chapter 5, section 1

  1. a set of basic principles and laws that states the powers and duties of the government
  2. voting rights
  3. the new national constitution, which made a new Confederation Congress the national government
    Articles of Confederation
  4. official approval of the Articles of Confederation by the states
  5. a law that set up a system for surveying land and dividing the Northwest Territory
    Land Ordinance of 1785
  6. a law that established the Northwest Territory and formed a political system for that region
    Northwest Ordinance
  7. Give 2 characteristics for Republicanism.
    -people elect the members of gov't to lead them and represent their interests and needs

    -power and authority comes from the people being governed
  8. Give 4 characteristics of Free Enterprise.
    • -government doesnt control the economy
    • -government regualtes trade and protects people
    • -businesses choose what to produce
    • -individuals decide what to buy from whom to buy
  9. Why were state constitutions important?(3)
    • -all leaders were subject to laws to limit the power of government to protect rights of citizens
    • -some states banned slavery and protected rights of people accused of crimes
    • -defined who could/white men who paid taxes
  10. who came up with the virginia statue for religous freedom?
    Thomas Jefferson
  11. what rights were protected by jefferson's Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom?
    • -no forced church attendance
    • -no requirement to pay for churches with tax money
  12. what was the governing document of the US from 1777-1789?
    Articles of Confederation
  13. What challenges faced the states in getting them all to ratify the Articles of Confederation?(3)
    • -Western Lands
    • -How to make decisions in the new government
    • -All 13 states saw themselves as independent and didin't want to be controlled by a strong national government
  14. Under the Articles...what powers did congress posess?(6)
    • -settle conflicts among states
    • -ask states for money and soldiers
    • -make coins
    • -make treaties with other countries and native americans
    • -wage war and make peace
    • -make national laws
  15. a loose alliance or league of independent states
  16. what things did Congress not possess?
    • -did not have a president
    • -did not have a court system
    • -had no power on tax
    • -no army
  17. what powers did the states possess?
    • -could impose taxes
    • -had choice to enforce national laws or not
    • -could regualte trade
    • -could issue paper money
  18. Which level of government (congress or states) was stronger and why?
    the states were more powerful than the national government to avoid a strong national government like King/Parliament
  19. Who came up with the idea of the Land Ordinance of 1785?
    Thomas Jefferson
  20. Why was the Land Ordinance of 1785 important?(3)
    • -was able to raise money to pay debts by selling western lands
    • -surveyed lands in NW Territory
    • -divided the land into townships
  21. What things did the Northwest Ordinance do?(6)
    • -set guidelines for new states
    • -banned slavery
    • -rivers in NW Territory were open for use and trade by all people
    • -guranteed trials by jury
    • -protected civil liberties
    • -required public education
  22. What was the importance of the 2 ordinances?(3)
    • -allowed organized growth for US in west
    • -source of $$ for national government under Articles
    • -gave americans more control over land in the west
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chapter 5, section 1
section 1 of chapter 5