Middle Ages Literary Terms

  1. expound
    • (verb)
    • to set forth in detail; to explain throughly
  2. diligently
    • (adverb)
    • persistently and earnestly
  3. aspire
    • (verb)
    • to strive for
  4. frivolous
    • (adjective)
    • not serious; of little or no importance; silly
  5. solicitous
    • (adjective)
    • concerned; anxious; careful of particular
  6. estimable
    • (adjective)
    • deserving of esteem; admirable
  7. discreet
    • (adjective)
    • having or showing careful judgement
  8. disdainful
    • (adjective)
    • feeling or showing contempt; scornful
  9. prevarification
    • (adjective)
    • the act of evading the truth; act of lying
  10. adversary
    • (noun)
    • opponent; enemy
  11. prudent
    • (adjective)
    • wise, cautious, careful
  12. gratify
    • (verb)
    • to satisfy; to indulge
  13. deftly
    • (adverb)
    • skillfully; nimbly
  14. reprove
    • (verb)
    • to scold or correct, usually gently or out of kindness
  15. concede
    to admit as true; acknowledge
  16. disperse
    • (verb)
    • to scatter about; distribute wisely
  17. arrogance
    • (adjective)
    • overbearing pride or self importance
  18. suffice
    • (verb)
    • to be enough for
  19. historical narrative
    a work of nonfiction that tells the story of important historical events or developments
  20. frame story
    a plot structure that includes the telling of a story within a story
  21. parley
    a discussion or conference between enemies
  22. stile
    steps for scaling a wall or fence
  23. amend
    to correct
  24. reverence
    deep tinged with awe
  25. Sunday
    the first day of the week
  26. privy
    having knowledge of something private or secret
  27. miscreant
  28. motley
    diversity; being diverse
Card Set
Middle Ages Literary Terms
Canterbury Tales Literary Terms