ENTM 506

  1. Symphyta
    • thick waisted, sawflies and horntails
    • Cimbicidae
    • Diprionidae
    • Tenthredinidae
    • Siricidae
    • Cephidae
  2. Apocrita
    narow waisted , bees and ants
  3. Ichneumonoidea
    • long filiform antennae
    • Long exerted ovipositer
    • slender, wasplike
    • Ichneumonidae
    • Braconidae
  4. Chalicidoidea
    • very small
    • reduced wing venation
    • collar pronotum
    • Mymaridae
    • Perilampidae
    • Pteromalidae
    • Chalcididae
  5. Cynipoidea
    • small
    • somewhat reduced venation
    • gall wasps
    • Cynipidae
  6. Misc. parasitic wasps
    • Evaniidae
    • Pelecinidae
    • Scelionidae
    • Chrysididae
  7. Aculeate (stinging) Hymenoptera
    • Formicidae
    • Tiphiidae
    • Mutillidae
    • scoliidae
    • Pompilidae
    • Vespidae
    • Sphecidae
    • Colletidae
    • Halictidae
    • Andrenidae
    • Megachilidae
    • Apidae
  8. Cimbicidae
    • Large
    • clubbed antennae
    • 7 segmentes or fewer
    • Look like Mydas flies
    • Others somewhat blue-green
  9. Diprionidae
    • Very thick bodied
    • 13 segmented antennae
    • lots of wing venation
    • some brown, some black and white
  10. Tenthredinidae
    • 9 segmented antennae (always more than 7)
    • black
    • Looks like gnat
    • legs rear back like a grasshopper
  11. Siricidae
    • Big
    • Collar pronotum
    • Spearlike plate on last abdominal tergum. (Can opener)
  12. Cephidae
    • elongated pronotum
    • compressed abdomen
    • very small head
  13. Ichneumonidae
    • 2 recurrent veins in the forewing
    • areolet present in forewing
    • long ovipositer (females)
    • arched abdomen
  14. Braconidae
    • only 1 or no recurrent vein
    • small
    • not as narrow waisted
    • black or brown
  15. Mymaridae
    • very small (microscopic)
    • distinct sutures on front of head
    • hindwings with fringed hairs
  16. Perilampidae
    • pitted thorax
    • short triangular gaster
    • thick head, no neck
    • golfball thorax
    • metallic blue-green
    • narrow waist, bulbous gaster
  17. Pteromalidae
    • small
    • 5 segmented tarsi
    • narrowing pronotum anteriorly
    • upturned abdomen
  18. Chalicidae
    • hindcoxae large and expanded
    • big bulboush hind legs
  19. Cynipidae
    • gaster oval in lateral view
    • large basal segment
    • humpbacked appearance
    • very round gaster
    • light brown
  20. Evaniidae
    • gaster with high and narrow connection to propdeum
    • black or black and red
  21. Pelecinidae
    • very long and slender gaster
    • Large
    • thick back legs (middle segment)
  22. Scelionidae
    • very small
    • elbowed antennae
    • reduced venation
    • triangular pronotum
    • depressed abdomen
    • really long antennae
    • black with some speckles
    • head pulled away from thorax with "neck"
  23. Chrysididae
    • metallic blue or green
    • 3-4 segmented gaster
    • concave gaster ventrally
    • golfball body
    • antennae med length, thick
    • brown eyes and ocelli
  24. Formicidae
    • well developed wing venation
    • elbowed antennae
    • profound head in ants w/o wings
    • tiny eyes
  25. Tiphiidae
    • hindcoxae close together
    • pair of plates at midcoxae
    • black or brown and yellow
    • look like scoliidae
  26. mutillidae
    • very hairy
    • colorful: oranges, reds, and blacks
    • 2nd segment of gaster large and bulbous
    • won't always have wings
  27. Scoliidae
    • hairy
    • hindcoxae seperated
    • no ventral plates
    • black or brown and yellow
  28. Pompilidae
    • long legged
    • dark, sometimes orange
    • mesoplura with transverse suture (side view, second leg)
    • hold antennae out and away from body
  29. Vespidae
    • long distinct discoidal cell (longer than submedial cell)
    • 3 submarginal cells
    • antennae fall to the sides
    • very thin shrunken wings
  30. Sphecidae
    • Distinct lateral pronotal lobe
    • some thread waisted
    • wings held up over top of back
    • ovate head
  31. Colletidae
    • 2 or 3 submarginal cells
    • jugal lobe longer than submedial cell
    • single antennal suture
  32. Halictidae
    • basal vein distinctly arched (M)
    • 2 or 3 submarginal cells
    • jugal lobe longer than submedial cell
  33. Andrenidae
    • 2 or 3 submarginal cells
    • jugal lobe longer than submedial cell
    • Double antennal sutures
  34. Megachilidae
    • Only 2 submarginal cells, ever
    • jugal lobe shorter than submedial cell
    • hindtibiae with apical spurs
  35. Apidae
    • 3 submarginal cells
    • hindtibiae WITHOUT spurs and jugal lobe shorter than submedial cell
    • or
    • Hindtibiae WITH spurs and NO jugal lobe
Card Set
ENTM 506
Wasps, bees, ants