chapter 11

  1. a relatively long enduring tie in which the partner is important as a unique individual and is interchangable with none other.
    Affectional bond
  2. a subtype of affectional bond in which the presense of the partner adds a special sense of security a ssafe base for the individual
  3. the collection of probably insensitive behaviors toward another person that bring about or maintain proximity and care giving such as the smile of a young infant behaviors that relfect an attachment
    attachment behaviors
  4. as applied to social relation ships a congnitive construction of the workings of relationships such as expectations of support or affections truthworthiness and so on. the earliest relationships may form the template for such a cognitive construction
    internal working model
  5. term used by bowbly to describe the form of the child parent attachment in the preschool years in which the two partners though improved communication negotiate and form the frequency of contact between them.
    goal corrected partnership
  6. the process of psychological social and physical seperation from parents that begins in adolescence
  7. a series of episodes used by mary ainsworth and others in studies of attachment. the chils is observed with the mother with stranger alone when reunited with the stranger and when reunited with the mother
    strange situation
  8. an internal working model in which the child uses the parent as a safe base and is readily readily consoled after seperation whether fearful or when otherwise stressed
    secure attachment
  9. an internal working of relationships in which the child does as readily use the parent as a safe base and is not readily consoled by the parent if upset. includes three subtypes of attachment avoidant ambivalent or disorganized
    insecure attachment
  10. the degree to which an infants and his or her temerment work together
    goodness of fit
  11. form of play seen in toddlers in which chilren play next to but not with one another
    parallel play
  12. a friendship in which each partner identifies the other as a friend also a quality of friendship in school aged children when freindship for the first time is seen as being a reciprocal trust
    reciprocal friendship
  13. a term used by psychologists to refer to how well an individual child is liked by his or her peers
    social status
  14. children who are described as well liked by the majority of peers
    popular children
  15. children who are seldomly described as liked or disliked by their peers
    neglected children
  16. unpopular children who are explicitly avoided and not chosen as playmates of friends
    rejected children
  17. a group of four to six friends with strong affectional bonds and high levels of group solidarity and loyalty the term used by researchers to describe self chosen group of friends
  18. a larger group and looser group of friends than a clique normally made up of several cliques that have joined together a reputation based group common with adolescent subculture with widely agreed upon characteristics
  19. behavior that is aimed at harming or hurting another person or object
  20. aggressive behavior intended toward achieving a goal such as obtaining a toy from another child
    instrumental aggresion
  21. aggressive verbal behavior intended to hurt anothers feelings
    hostile aggression
  22. aggression aimed at damaging another persons self esteem or peer relationships such as by using ostracism or threats of ostracism cruel gossiping or facial expressions of disdain
    relational aggression
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chapter 11
chapter 11