
  1. Can tumors develop a resistance?
  2. What does it mean when drugs are given in "cycles"?
    First they give a dose. Evaluate if they can handle. Can handle? Give a second "cycle".
  3. What are three examples of tissue that have a rapid growth?
    • Bone marrow
    • Hair
    • GI
  4. How does cancer spread through "metastasis"?
    Cancer cells just keep dividing. They invade surrounding tissue and continue to spread. Metastasis is secondary malignant infection.
  5. What has a potential to metastasize? Benign or malignant?
  6. What is encapsulated? Benign or Malig?
  7. what is similiar to tissue of origin? Benign or malig?
  8. What is the rate of growth for benign and malig tumors?
    • Benign: Slow
    • Malig: unpredictable and unrestrained
  9. What is the rate of recurrence after removal for benign and malig tumors?
    • Benign: Rare
    • Malig: uncommon
  10. What's the difference between high and low doses when treating cancer?
    High doses are aimed to cure. Low doses are aimed to improve the quality of life...
  11. Why would you want different mechanisms of actions from drugs when treating tumors?
    Tumors can develop a tolerance.
  12. Why do you want different toxicities with your drugs?
    You're giving full doses. You don't want two drugs having the same side-effect do you?
  13. What's the difference between adjuvant chemo and palitative chemo?
    Adjuvant chemo is for those that we think have curable cancer; Use high-dose drugs. Palitative is for those that just need a better quality of life; use low-dose drugs.
  14. What is extravasation?
    IV fluid leaks out of the blood vessel.
  15. What is a vesicant?
    Agent that causes tissue blistering. redness, swelling. This happens when the IV leaks out of the blood vessel
  16. When giving a patient's drug in cycles, how do we watch the bone marrow side-effect?
    If the drug affects the bone marrow, it won't make neutrophils. They have a lifespan. When the existing neutrophils in the body start to die off, you can measure the drop. When they get low, stop. Since you stopped, the body can make neutrophils again. When it's at a healthy level, start the second cycle.
  17. What is neutropenia? Thrombocytopenia?
    Bone marrow can't make white blood cells. No platelets.
  18. What affect does doxorubicin have on the heart?
    Once the patient used a certain amount and from all those cycles, the heart is weak and is irreversible.
  19. What is the dose limiting factor for Bleomycin?
    Pulmonary toxicity.
  20. What is the dose limiting factor for Tamoxifen?
    We don't know, that's we use low doses.
  21. What is the dose limiting factor for Vincristine?
  22. What does Filgrastim do?
    Stimulates neutrophils.
  23. What does Epoetin Alfa?
    Stimulate red blood cells.
  24. What is alopecia?
  25. What is emetic potential?
    Emetic means medicine that induces vomiting and nausea.
  26. What is myelosuppression?
    Side effect where bone marrow can't make the cells and platelets.
  27. What does nadir in chemo terms mean?
    Nadir means lowest point. Chemo terms refers to cell count.
  28. What is the dose limiting for Cisplatin?
    Renal. avoid metal.
  29. What is limiting factor for cytoxan?
    Bone marrow depression.
  30. Is Oncovin a vesicant?
  31. Is Cisplatin a vesicant?
  32. What are Hematopoeitic agents? How are they used?
    Promotes growth of blood components in the bone marrow. That means higher doses and shorter therapy.
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