Reproductive Male / Lab

  1. Identify #1
  2. Identify #2
    Spermatic Cord
  3. Identify #3
    Vas Deferens (a.k.a. ductus deferens)
  4. Identify # 4
    Pampiniform Plexus
  5. Identify # 5
    Cremaster Muscle
  6. Identify #6
    Vas Deferens
  7. Identify #4 & #7
    • 4. Pampiniform Plexus
    • 7. Testicular Artery
  8. Identify #8
    Inguinal Canal
  9. Identify
    • Ejactulatory Duct
    • Each ejaculatory duct is formed by the union of the vas deferens During ejaculation, semen passes through the ducts and exits the body via the penis.
  10. Identify # 10
    • Corpora Cavernosa (paired)
    • The corpus cavernosum penis is one of a pair of sponge-like regions of erectile tissue which contain most of the blood in the penis during penile erection.
  11. Identify # 12
    • The Seminal Vesicles
    • Two elongated saclike glands that secrete their fluid contents into the ejaculatory ducts.
    • Contribute approximately 60 percent of the fluids passed from the human male during ejaculation.
  12. Identify # 13
    Vas Defrens
  13. Identify #14

  14. Identify # 15
  15. Identify #16
    Prostate Gland
  16. Identify # 12
    Seminal Vesicles
  17. Identify # 17
    • The Bulbourethral Gland, or "Cowper's Gland"
    • During sexual arousal each gland produces a clear, viscous secretion known as pre-ejaculate. This fluid helps to lubricate the urethra for spermatozoa to pass through, neutralizing traces of acidic urine in urethra[
  18. Identify # 18
    Corpora Cavernosa
  19. Identify # 19
    • Corpus Spongiosum
    • Through the center of the corpus spongiosum runs the urethra. While the corpus cavernosa become very solid, to form the support for the penis, the corpus corpus spongiosum remains relatively soft. This allows it to hold the urethra open so the semen can easily be released.
  20. Identify Definition for Prepuce
    • The Foreskin
    • A generally retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers the glans penis
  21. Identify # 20
    • Prostatic Urethra
    • The part of the urethra passing through the prostate.
  22. Identify # 21
    • Membranous Urethra
    • A short portion of the urethra between the prostatic urethra and spongy urethra.
  23. Identify # 22
    • Spongy Urethra (penile urethra)
    • The portion of the urethra within the corpus spongiosum penis.
Card Set
Reproductive Male / Lab
Reproductive Male / Lab Practical