SQ locations

  1. Aberfan, Wales
    Site of a landslide of mine materials in 1966
  2. Africa
    A continent with a coastline that matches South America’s coastline; a site of Glossopteris fossils
  3. Alabama
    A state with few outcrops, often in the form of seaside bluffs
  4. Alaska
    This state experienced earthquake-triggered landslides in 1964
  5. Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
    A location with oil reserves; currently drilling in this area is under political debate
  6. Alberta, Canada
    Northern boundary of the region of North America with canyons and mountainous cliffs for outcrops; the site of tar sands
  7. American Midwest
    The central portion of the United States that lacks numerous outcrops
  8. Anchorage, Alaska
    A city damaged during the 1964 earthquake-triggered landslides
  9. Andes Mountains
    An oceanic-continental transduction zone
  10. Antarctica
    Glaciers cover almost all of this continent; this continent’s coastline matches Australia’s southern coastline; a site of Glossopteris fossils
  11. Antilles
    The border of a small carbonate platform
  12. Appalachian Mountains
    Western boundary for numerous outcrops along the East Coast
  13. Artois, France
    A French town that provided the name for artesian systems; also known as Artesium
  14. Australia
    A continent with a southern coast that matches Antarctica’s coastline; a site of Glossopteris fossils
  15. Azerbaijan
    One of the Middle Eastern countries that holds 2/3s of the world’s oil; home of the Baku region
  16. Baku region
    A region in Azerbaijan with large oil fields
  17. Big Rock Mesa
    Site of a landslide that caused 92 million dollars in damages
  18. Black Hills
    Western boundary of the Dakota aquifer system in South Dakota
  19. Brazil
    This country experienced landslides after a massive storm in January 1967; a country with Mesosaurus fossils
  20. British Columbia
    The site of the Hope Mountain landslides
  21. Buffalo Creek Valley
    Site of a landslide in 1972 after a coal mine waste dam broke open
  22. Buffalo Hallow, West Virginia
    A coal mine waste dam broke loose here in 1972, causing a landslide in the Buffalo Creek Valley
  23. Burren region
    An area in Ireland with pavement karst topography
  24. Caledonide Mountains
    Mountains in Ireland, Great Britain, Greenland, and Scandinavia that correlate with the Appalachian Mountains
  25. California
    The state with the San Joaquin Valley and the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge; site of migration for displaced farmers during the Dust Bowl
  26. Canada’s Highway 3
    The road covered with earth during the Hope Mountain landslides
  27. Canadian Plains
    The central portion of Canada that lacks numerous outcrops
  28. Canadian Prairie Provinces
    Portion of Canada experiencing some Dust Bowl damage
  29. Central America
    A region with tower and cone karst topography
  30. China
    The country housing remarkable tower karst near Guilin
  31. Coast Ranges
    A natural selenium source west of the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge
  32. Colombia
    Site of oil drilling in the Western Hemisphere
  33. Colorado
    One of the states that houses the High Plains aquifer; one of the states that were most affected by the Dust Bowl; a state plagued by severe wind erosion in 1982
  34. Cuba
    A country with tower and cone karst topography
  35. Death Valley
    A region in California with many of the features of a typical arid region
  36. Denver, Colorado
    Home to the Pierre Formation shales
  37. England
    The region that houses Wales
  38. Fertile Crescent
    A former site of John F. Schroder, Jr.’s studies
  39. Florida
    A state bordered by two carbonate platforms
  40. Georgia
    A state with few outcrops, often in the form of seaside bluffs
  41. Germany
    A country where scientists drilled deep holes to increase scientific knowledge
  42. Ghawar oil fields
    The single largest oil field; located in Saudi Arabia
  43. Great Bahama Bank
    A carbonate platform stretching southeast from Florida
  44. Great Lakes
    A region with soft, glacial sediments prone to landslides
  45. Great Plains
    The central portion of the United States, a large agricultural region; site of the Dust Bowl
  46. Greece
    Source of the first ancient geological writings
  47. Greenbelt, Maryland
    The site of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
  48. Greenland
    Glaciers cover most of this country; home of the Caledonide Mountains
  49. Guilin
    An area in southeastern China with remarkable tower karst topography
  50. Gulf of Mexico
    The location of the Mississippi River delta
  51. Herculaneum
    A Roman city at the base of Mt. Vesuvius
  52. Himalayas
    Mountains formed by the collision of continental plates
  53. India
    A country that contains Glossopteris fossils
  54. Indiana
    A state with sinkhole karst topography
  55. Indonesia
    An oceanic-oceanic plate subduction zone
  56. Iran
    Site of the world’s largest landslide; one of the Middle Eastern countries that holds two-thirds of the world’s oil
  57. Iraq
    One of the Middle Eastern countries that holds two-thirds of the world’s oil
  58. Ireland
    The country with the Burren region and the Caledonide Mountians
  59. Italy
    The country that houses the Vaiont Reservoir
  60. Jamaica
    A country with sinkhole karst topography
  61. Kansas
    One of the states that houses the High Plains aquifer; one of the states that was most affected by the Dust Bowl
  62. Kansu, China
    Site of an earthquake-triggered landslide in 1920
  63. Karst region
    An area of Yugoslavia with distinctive topography
  64. Kentucky
    A state with sinkhole karst topography
  65. Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge
    A refuge located in California’s San Joaquin Valley
  66. Kola Peninsula
    The region in Russia that boasts the deepest depths for groundwater
  67. Kootenai River Valley
    A Montana location with a prehistoric record of landslides
  68. Kuwait
    One of the Middle Eastern countries that holds two-thirds of the world’s oil
  69. Libby dam
    A construction project in 1967 in the Kootenai River Valley
  70. Little Bahama Bank
    A carbonate platform stretching east from Florida
  71. Loess Plateau
    A former site of John F. Schroder, Jr.’s studies in China
  72. Louisiana
    A state with few outcrops, often in the form of seaside bluffs; a site of oil drilling in the Western Hemisphere
  73. Madison Canyon
    The site of an earthquake-triggered landslide
  74. Malibu, California
    Site of the Big Rock Mesa
  75. Maritime provinces
    A region of Canada with numerous outcrops in sea cliffs and creekbottoms
  76. Mexico
    Site of oil drilling in the Western Hemisphere
  77. Mexico City
    A city built on a former lake that experiences subsidence; site of the former Aztec capital Tenochtitlan
  78. Minneapolis, Minnesota
    Home of the University of Minnesota
  79. Mississippi
    A state with few outcrops, often in the form of seaside bluffs
  80. Montana
    The state with the Kootenai River Valley and Madison Canyon; part of the northern border of Dust Bowl damage; a state with severe wind erosion in 1982
  81. Nebraska
    One of the states that houses the High Plains aquifer
  82. Nevada
    A state with severe wind erosion in 1982
  83. New England
    A region of the United States with numerous outcrops in sea cliffs andcreek bottoms
  84. New Jersey
    A state with few outcrops, often in the form of seaside bluffs
  85. New Mexico
    Southern boundary of the region of North America with canyons and mountainous cliffs for outcrops; one of the states that houses the High Plains aquifer
  86. North Carolina
    A state with few outcrops, often in the form of seaside bluffs
  87. North Dakota
    Part of the northern border of Dust Bowl damage
  88. Norway
    A country with Rissa clay that frequently slides
  89. Oklahoma
    One of the states that houses the High Plains aquifer; one of the states that was most affected by the Dust Bowl
  90. Omaha, Nebraska
    Home of the University of Nebraska
  91. Ontario
    A province in Canada with Leda clay
  92. Pacific Coast
    A region stretching from Canada to Mexico with sea cliffs as outcrops
  93. Paris, France
    City in which Georges Cuvier studied strata
  94. Philippines
    Country of Mt. Pinatubo
  95. Puerto Rico
    A country with tower and cone karst topography
  96. Rapid City, South Dakota
    The site of a landslide that resulted from downward-oriented bedding patterns
  97. Red Sea
    A sea that formed when water filled a rift valley between continental plates
  98. Rocky Mountains
    Eastern boundary of the region of North America with canyons and mountainous cliffs for outcrops
  99. Russia
    A country where scientists drilled deep holes to increase scientific knowledge
  100. San Andreas fault
    A transform fault margin in California between the Pacific and North American plates
  101. San Joaquin Valley
    A valley in California that houses the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge
  102. Santa Barbara, California
    Location where an offshore drilling platform leaked oil in 1969
  103. Saudi Arabia
    One of the Middle Eastern countries that holds two-thirds of the world’s oil; site of the Ghawar oil fields
  104. Scandinavia
    Home of the Caledonide Mountains
  105. Seine River
    The French river studied to determine the origins of groundwater
  106. Shark Bay
    A western Australian bay with hypersaline water; cannot support most marine animals
  107. Shasta
    A region in California with records of sturzstorms
  108. South Africa
    A country with Mesosaurus fossils
  109. South America
    A continent with a coastline that matches Africa’s coastline; a site of Glossopteris fossils
  110. South Carolina
    A state with few outcrops, often in the form of seaside bluffs
  111. South Dakota
    One of the states that houses the High Plains aquifer; location of the Dakota aquifer system
  112. South Pacific
    A region with tower and cone karst topography
  113. Spitzbergen, Greenland
    An area with pavement karst topography
  114. Tambora
    Location of a massive volcanic explosion in 1815
  115. Tennessee
    A state with sinkhole karst topography
  116. Tenochtitlan
    Capital of the Aztec empire
  117. Texas
    A state with few outcrops, often in the form of seaside bluffs; one of the states that houses the High Plains aquifer; southern border of the Dust Bowl damage; one of the states that was most affected by the Dust Bowl; a state with severe wind erosion in 1982; a site of oil drilling in the Western Hemisphere
  118. Thistle, Utah
    Site of a 1983 landslide that caused over 200 million dollars of damage; now serves as an educational site
  119. United States
    A country in which scientists drilled deep holes to increase scientific knowledge
  120. Utah
    A state with oil shales
  121. Vaiont Reservoir
    A reservoir in Italy that overflowed when material slid into it during a landslide
  122. Valdez, Alaska
    This city saw shorelines slide underwater during an earthquaketriggeredlandslide in 1964
  123. Venezuela
    Site of oil drilling in the Western Hemisphere
  124. Wales
    An area west of central England where fossils helped indentify marine environments
  125. Washington, D.C.
    A city plagued by dust storms on Black Sunday
  126. Wyoming
    One of the states that houses the High Plains aquifer
  127. Yucatan Peninsula
    A peninsula of Mexico that borders a carbonate platform, site of an oil well blow in 1979
  128. Yugoslavia
    The country that contains the Karst region
Card Set
SQ locations
SQ locations