ch 24 radiology

  1. "filmless" imaging:
    digital radiography
  2. what year was digital radiography introduced to dentistry?
  3. T/F there is no film or processing chemistry used in digital radiography
  4. digital radiography uses an _________ sensor and __________ imaging that produces x-ray images almost instantly!
    • electronic
    • computerized
  5. radiographic image produced by conventional film:
    analog image
  6. number of possible gray-scale combinations for each pixel (i.e. 8 bit-depth image has gray-scale combination of 2 to the 8th which equals 256 shades of gray)
    bit-depth image
  7. CCD: solid-state detector used in many devices (fax machine, home video camera); in digital radiography, CCD is an image receptor found in the intraoral sensor
    charge-coupled device
  8. filmless imaging system; a method of capturing a radiographic image using a sensor, breaking it into electronic pieces and presenting and storing the image using a computer
    digital radiography
  9. an image composed of pixels
    digital image
  10. a method of reversing the gray scale as an image is viewed.
    digital subtraction
  11. to convert an image into a digital form that in turn can be processed by a computer
  12. obtaining a digital image in which an intraoral sensor is exposed to x-rays to capture a radiographic image that can be viewed on a computer monitor
    direct digital imaging
  13. obtaining a digital image in which an existing radiograph is scanned and converted into digital form using a CCD camera
    indirect digital imaging
  14. measurement used to evaluate the ability of the computer to capture the resolution (or detail) of a radiographic image
    line pairs/millimeter (lp/ml)
  15. a discrete unit of information; picture element
  16. a small detector that is placed intraorally to capture a radiographoic image
  17. obtaining a digital image in which the image is recorded on phosphor-coated plates and then placed into an electronic processor, where a laser scans the plate and produces an image on a computer screen
    storage phosphor imaging
  18. digital radiography requires _____ x-radiation than conventional radiography.
  19. less x-radiation is necessary to form a digital image on the sensor because the typical sensor is ______ sensitive to x-rays than a conventional film
  20. exposure times for digital radiography are _____ to _____ less than those required for digital radiography
  21. T/F the use of specialized equipment is not necessary for digital radiography
    FALSE! x-radiation source, intraoral sensor, and computer
  22. T/F most dental radiography systems use a conventional dental x-ray unit as the x-radiation source
  23. what are the sizes of digital sensors?
    0,1,2, and 4
  24. what is one of the most common image receptors used in dental radiography?
    CCD charge-coupled device
  25. what are the three types of direct sensor technologies?
    • 1. CCD
    • 2. comementary metal oxide semiconductor/active pixel sensor
    • 3. charge injection device
  26. the _______ is a solid-state detector that contains a silicon chip with an electronic circuit embedded in it. this silicon chip is sensitive to x-rays or light
  27. when was the CCD first developed?
  28. a pixel is equivalent to what in conventional radiography?
    a silver crystal
  29. a small box or "well" into which the electrons produced by the x-ray exposure are deposited
    pixel this
  30. T/F as opposed to a film emulsion that contains an ordered arrangement of silver crystals, a pixel is structured in a random arrangement.
    if you guessed false, it is false! film emulsion is random and a pixel is ordered
  31. the CCD is _____X_____ individual pixels in size
  32. the CCD contains 307,200 pixels and functions to sense ________ _______ and translate it into an _______ message
    • transmitted light
    • electronic
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ch 24 radiology
ch 24 radiology