Vocabulary Unit 10

  1. adept
    • (adj) thoroughly skilled; (n) an expert
    • Synonyms: (adj) masterful, accomplished, proficient
    • Antonyms: (adj) clumsy, unskilled, maladroit; (n) novice
  2. aspire
    • (v) to have ambitious hopes or plans, strive toward a higher goal, desire earnestly; to ascend
    • Synonyms: seek, yearn, aim for, soar
  3. bleak
    • (adj) bare, dreary, dismal
    • Synonyms: grim, cheerless, gloomy, desolate, barren
    • Antonyms: rosy, cheerful, sunny, promising, encouraging
  4. chide
    • (v) to blame; scold
    • Synonyms: upbraid, reprimand, rebuke, chastise
    • Antonyms: approve, praise, compliment
  5. despicable
    • (adj) worthy of scorn, contemptible
    • Synonyms: low, vile, cheap, sordid, detestable
    • Antonyms: praiseworthy, commendable, meritorious
  6. diminutive
    • (adj) small, smaller than most others of the same type
    • Synonyms: undersized, miniature, tiny, compact
    • Antonyms: oversized, gigantic, huge, enormous
  7. emancipate
    • (v) to free from slavery; to release or liberate
    • Synonyms: unchain, unshackle, unfetter
    • Antonyms: enslave, snare, chain, shackle
  8. erroneous
    • (adj) incorrect, containing mistakes
    • Synonyms: mistaken, fallacious
    • Antonyms: accurate, correct, exact, unerring
  9. exploit
    • (v) to make use of, develop; to make improper use of for personal profit
    • (n) a feat, deed
    • Synonyms:(v) utilize, misuse
  10. extemporaneous
    • (adj) made or delivered on the spur of the moment
    • Synonyms: spontaneous, impromptu, off-the-cuff
    • Antonyms: planned, rehearsed, prepared
  11. impair
    • (v) to make imperfect, damage, harm
    • Synonyms: injure, mar, disable, cripple, enervate
    • Antonyms: improve, strengthen, promote, advance
  12. invincible
    • (adj) not able to be defeated, unbeatable
    • Synonyms: unconquerable, indomitable, insuperable
    • Antonyms: vulnerable, conquerable, surmountable
  13. languid
    • (adj) drooping; without energy, sluggish
    • Synonyms: lazy, sluggish, listless, slack, lethargic
    • Antonyms: lively, energetic, vigorous, enlivening
  14. mire
    • (n) mud; wet, swampy ground; a tough situation
    • (v) to get stick
    • Synonyms:(n) marsh, swamp, bog, slough
  15. obtrusive
    • (adj) forward; undesirably prominent; thrust out
    • Synonyms: brash, impudent, conspicuous, protruding
    • Antonyms: meek, reserved, deferential, recessed
  16. preamble
    • (n) an introduction to a speech or piece of writing
    • Synonyms: opening, preface, prologue, preliminary
    • Antonyms: conclusion, ending, closing, epilogue
  17. render
    • (v) to cause to become; to preform; to deliver officially; to process, extract
    • Synonyms: present, furnish, submit, make, effect
  18. rugged
    • (adj) rough, irregular; severe, stern; strong; stormy
    • Synonyms: rocky, craggy, blunt, harsh, hardy, tough
    • Antonyms: smooth, flat, soft, mild, tender, delicate
  19. skeptical
    • (adj) inclined to doubt; slow to accept something as true
    • Synonyms: dubious, suspicious, incredulous
    • Antonyms: believing, credulous, gullible, ingenuous
  20. slipshod
    • (adj) untidy in dress, personal habits, etc.; careless, sloppy
    • Synonyms: messy, untidy, slovenly, slapdash, cursory
    • Antonyms: tidy, neat, orderly, careful, painstaking
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Vocabulary Unit 10
Vocabulary Unit 10