week 11

  1. Whorled or opp. leaves: big, entire, slightly pubescent
    long capsule fruit w/ winged seeds
    • Catalpa speciosa (showy)
    • Bignoniaceae; catalpa
    • *Fruit: capsule
    • formerly used for fence posts
    • cultivated for catalpa worms for fish bait
  2. thick opp. leaves, lobed w/ teeth!
    pubescent petiole
    • Hydrangea quercifolia (oak-leaved)
    • Saxifragaceae; oakleaf hydrangea
    • fruit: capsule
    • "Saxifrage Family"
    • native to Gulf Coast
  3. opp. shiny evergreen leaves folded along midrib
    translucent margin
    • Ligustrum lucidum (shining)
    • Oleaceae; glossy privet
    • fruit: drupe
    • native to china
    • used for screening, but invasive along Gulf coast
    • songbirds
  4. bamboo
    leaf edge no as sharp as other
    • Phyllostachys aurea (golden)
    • Poaceae; yellow bamboo
    • fruit: caryopsis
    • native to Asia
    • sprouts fromj rizomes
    • monocarpic = flower once and die
  5. warty bark
    smaller, crooked tree
    dryer sites
    leaves shorter, fatter, always serrated
    • Celtis tenuifolia (thin-leaved)
    • Ulmaceae; dwarf hackberry
    • fruit: drupe
  6. Vine/twining shrub
    opp. evergreen leaves elliptical, entire, glabrous
    • Gelsemium sempervirens (evergreen)
    • Loganiaceae; jasmine
    • fruit: capsule
    • poisonous to humans
  7. spiky young foliage
    scaly mature foliage completely covers twig
    • Juniperus virginiana (of VA)
    • Cupressaceae; eastern redcedar, juniper
    • *Cone: peltate, FLESHY
    • Red heartwood used for chests, closets, pet bedding, novelties
    • female cone used to flavor gin
    • dioecious
  8. evergreen shrub/small tree
    alt. elliptical entire leaves
    only midvein visible
    • Kalmia latifolia (broad-leaved)
    • Ericaceae; mountain laurel
    • fruit: capsule
    • HEATH family
    • leaves/twigs poisonous to humans/livestock
    • deer, grouse food
  9. glabrous leaves and buds
    sometwigs are thorn-like
    mature bark blocky/scaly
    • Pyrus communis (common)
    • Rosaceae; common pear
    • fruit: pome
    • native to Europe/Asia
    • may persist after cultivation at old home sites
  10. often small/crooked form
    duck foot leaf
    adult leaves may not have bristles
    pubescent undersides
    • Quercus marilandica (of MD)
    • Fagaceae; blackjack oak
    • fruit: nut
    • low comm. value
    • railroad ties, posts, fuelwood
    • red oak
  11. dry site, leaves like michauxii
    deeply ridged bark
    acorn has thin bowl cap
    • Quercus montana (of the mountains)
    • Fagaceae; chestnut oak
    • *fruit: nut
    • high wildlife value, low wood value
    • railroad ties, fuelwood
  12. ridged layered bark, excurrent
    young branches winged
    oblique leaf base
    smaller leaf
    • Ulmus alata (winged)
    • Ulmaceae; winged elm
    • fruit: samara
    • smaller than other elms
  13. large shrub on dry sites
    opp, dentate (large teeth) leaf
    big round lenticels on bark
    • Viburnum dentatum (dentate)
    • Adoxaceae; southern arrowwood
    • fruit: drupe
    • winter food for songbirds
  14. Western Pine
    no grass stage cone scales have prickles and are reddish brown
    • Pinus ponderosa (heavy)
    • Pinaceae; ponderosa pine
    • *Cone: Flat scale
    • 2nd in total timber volume in West
    • sold as western yellow pine
  15. small 1" cone w/ 6-7 scales, looks like mini rosebud
    • Thuja plicata (folded)
    • Cupressaceae; western redcedar
    • *Cone: flat scale
    • late successional species of Pac. NW
    • most cedar shingles and shakes are made with this sp.
Card Set
week 11
NCSU Campus and Umstead State Park