Whorled or opp. leaves: big, entire, slightly pubescent
long capsule fruit w/ winged seeds
- Catalpa speciosa (showy)
- Bignoniaceae; catalpa
- *Fruit: capsule
- formerly used for fence posts
- cultivated for catalpa worms for fish bait
thick opp. leaves, lobed w/ teeth!
pub escent petiole
- Hydrangea quercifolia (oak-leaved)
- Saxifragaceae; oakleaf hydrangea
- fruit: capsule
- "Saxifrage Family"
- native to Gulf Coast
opp. shiny evergreen leaves folded along midrib
translucent margin
- Ligustrum lucidum (shining)
- Oleaceae; glossy privet
- fruit: drupe
- native to china
- used for screening, but invasive along Gulf coast
- songbirds
leaf edge no as sharp as other
- Phyllostachys aurea (golden)
- Poaceae; yellow bamboo
- fruit: caryopsis
- native to Asia
- sprouts fromj rizomes
- monocarpic = flower once and die
warty bark
smaller, crooked tree
dryer sites
leaves shorter, fatter, always serrated
- Celtis tenuifolia (thin-leaved)
- Ulmaceae; dwarf hackberry
- fruit: drupe
Vine/twining shrub
opp. evergreen leaves elliptical, entire, glabrous
- Gelsemium sempervirens (evergreen)
- Loganiaceae; jasmine
- fruit: capsule
- poisonous to humans
spiky young foliage
scaly mature foliage completely covers twig
- Juniperus virginiana (of VA)
- Cupressaceae; eastern redcedar, juniper
- *Cone: peltate, FLESHY
- Red heartwood used for chests, closets, pet bedding, novelties
- female cone used to flavor gin
- dioecious