Pregnacy and Birth

  1. conception
    fertilization of the egg by sperm
  2. zygote
    a fertilized egg
  3. embryo
    a developing zygote
  4. fetus
    end of second month
  5. placenta
    organ that anchors fetus to uterus
  6. umbilical cord
    • connects fetus to placent
    • circulates blood
    • carries oxygen and nutriednt to fetus
    • carries wastes away from fetus
  7. amniotic sac
    surrounds and protects fetus
  8. male chromosomes
  9. female chromosomes
  10. signs of pregnacy
    • missed period
    • pee a lot
    • enlarged/tender boobs
    • fatige
    • nausea/vomitting
  11. HCG
    hormone produced by placenta, urine tests
  12. RIA test
    blood test, measure HCG in blood, highly accurate
  13. obsetrician
    • baby doctors
    • care and treament of prego mom and fetus
    • examines reproductive organs, blood, urine, fetal heart beat
  14. mid-wife
    follows mother through pregancy, explains physical changes, nutrition, etc.
  15. artificial insemination
    sample of specially treated sperm from the male inserted into the females reproductive tract
  16. in vitro fertilization
    fertilixation of eff outside the body and then planted in the uterus
  17. surrogate
    artificial insemination into a third party
  18. gestation host
    in vitro fertilization into a third party
  19. fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
    a variety of disorders that result from the mother consuming alcohol during her pregnacny
  20. signs of FAS
    • IQ 65
    • 1/3 brain size
    • permanent brain damage
    • learning and behavioral disorders
    • deficits in memory and attention
    • hyperactivity
    • speech and language delay
    • poor coordination
  21. facial anomalies of ppl with FAS
    • eyes set farther apart
    • eye slits
    • eyelid folds
    • thinned upper lip
    • absense of vertical ridges between nose and upper lip
    • abnormaly small eyes
  22. of malformations (FAS)
    • heart defects
    • genital defects
    • abnormal joins and limbs
  23. alcohol relatied neruodevelopment disorder
    children will have functional or mental problems, including behavioral or cognitive abnormalites or both
  24. ARBD-Alcohol relatin birth defects
    children will have problems with heart, kidneys, bones, and/or hearing
  25. identical twins
    zygote splits 6th-12th day
  26. fraternal twins
    two fertilized eggs
  27. conjoined twins
    identical twins that are linked together
  28. ectopic pregnacy
    growth of the fertilized egg in fallopian tube
  29. cesarean section
    surgical removal of the baby
  30. lightening
    baby's head drops into the pelvic area, "get ready here i come"
  31. effacement
    thinning of the cervix
  32. dilation
    widening of the cervix
  33. epidural
    regional anesthetic of abdomibal and pelvic areas
  34. colostrum
    secreated from breast, filled with antibodies-babies first milk
  35. postpartum
    time after baby is born, hormonal levels in mother start to subside
  36. episiotomy
    incision between the skin area of the vagina and anus
  37. vertex
    head first
  38. breech
    feet first
  39. APGAR
    • test done just after birth
    • Appearance (color)
    • Pulse (heart beat)
    • Grimace (reflex)
    • Activity (muscle tone)
    • Respiration (breathing)
  40. ultrasound
    continous pics of the fetus
  41. down syndrome
    abnormal extra chromosome
  42. miscarriage
    spontaneous abortion
  43. Rh factor
    blood test done in the geginning of the pregnacy. if mom negative and baby postivies-antibodies will attack the babies facotr caousin anemia, ilness, brain damage or death.. Rhogam is given by injection early on and usaully after 28th week to preven thte antibodes form attacking the positive cells
  44. lanugo
    soft fetal hair
  45. vernix
    waxy substance coating the skin
  46. amniocentesis
    15th -20th week to detect birth defects
  47. toxemia
    rise in blood pressure accompanied with edema
  48. stage one
    labor pains; sudden tightening in the muscles of the uterus; causes muscles in the uterus to shorten causing the cervix to open
  49. stage two
    cervix opens to10 cm. strong contractions push the baby through teh cervix and out of the birth canal
  50. stage three
    after birth- several morse contractions occur to push our umbilical cord and placenta after the baby is born
  51. labor
    muscular walls of uterus contract rythmically to push baby to birt canal
  52. birth
    birth before timesup or birht wieght under 5.5 pounds
  53. quickening
    baby's first movements
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Pregnacy and Birth