ch. 16

  1. Knowledge vs. insight
    avoid stress: use both
  2. Hans Selye:
  3. General Adaptation Syndrome
    set of reactions that occur in animals in response to all toxic substances; involves three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
  4. alarm reaction
    • a "call to arms" of the body's defensive forces - See weight loss
    • - elevated hormone levels
    • -adrenal glands swell
  5. stage of resistance
    • the body's reaction that is generally a reversal of the alarm reaction (optimal response)
    • - go back to normal
  6. stage of exhaustion
    • the body's physiological responses that revert to their condition during the stage of alarm (body is depleted)
    • - chronic fatigue
  7. Risk Factors for stress in middage:
    • a. poverty
    • b. illness
    • c. drug abuse
    • d. violence
    • e. divorce
  8. Resilience
    ability to recover from highly stressful situations
  9. Protective Factors
    • characteristics of resilient individuals that protect them from stress.
    • a. family environment
    • b. support network: friends, workers, etc.
    • c. personality: big part
  10. Personality
    • continuous/discontinous
    • Trait theorists vs. stage theorists
  11. Trait theorisis
    researchers who look at pieces of the personality (personality traits), as measured by detailed questionnaires (no development)
  12. Stage theorists
    researchers ho believe that research based on personality traits is too narrow in focus and that we must also look at the stages of change each person goes through (continual)
  13. Big Five:
    is the tendency to experience some kind of breakdown under stress, such as sadness, depression, or guilt. An individual possesses a negative view of themselves, is a perfectionist, and/or is pessimistic about the future.
  14. Big Five:
    is the tendency to be outgoing and social, and seems to spill over into almost all aspects of the personality. an extraverted individual has an overriding interest in people and social connections
  15. Big Five:
    Openness to experience
    is exactly that, an openness to new ideas, fantasies, actions, feelings, and values. This type of individual demonstrates a lack of rigidity in regard to the unfamiliar characteristics openness to experience
  16. Big Five:
    is the willingness to cooperate and defer to others in social interactions. an individual may be forgiving and willing to comply with others wishes in an effort to avoid interpersonal conflict
  17. Big Five:
    is a strong sense of purpose with high expectations. an individual may possess strong leadership skills and have expertise directed at specific goals and expectations
  18. Erickson:
    • a. Generativity vs. Stagnation
    • ➥ Legacy ➥bored, self absorbed, not contributing
  19. Levinson:
    • a. young/old:
    • b. destruction/creation:
    • c. masculinity/femininity:
    • d. Attachment/Separation:
  20. Marriage:
    • a. Empty Nest: refers to the felines parents may have as a result of their last child leaving home
    • b. Aging parents: biggest complaint of middle aged women
  21. Sex:
    • a. lower levels of testerone
    • b. fewer levels of sperm
    • c. decrease in muscle tone
    • d. testes/prostate - slight changes
    • ≠ decrease in sex; so does = same sex
    • - bio, psycho,social all contribute to sex
  22. Menopause:
    a. After they have less incidencs of depression than men over 55
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ch. 16
ch 16