low shrub
leaf obovate, acute base, bottom entire, upper serrated,
spiky pepper fruits
- Clethra alnifolia (leaves like alder)
- Clthraceae; swamp pepperbush, white-alder
- Fruit: capsule
- bee tree
- native americans ate leaves like spinach
low shrub (< 3ft)
leaf bottom entire, top half serrated
serrations point to tip
- Ilex glabra (smooth)
- Aquifoliaceae; inkberry
- Fruit: black drupe
- bee tree
- fruit bad for humans, good for songbirds, bear
longest needle
thick lateral branches
large cone
white terminal bud
- Pinus palustris (of the swamp)
- Pinaceae; longleaf pine
- *Cone: flat scale, large
- virgin lumber sold as heart pine
- formerly naval stores
- leaves used as mulch
often scrubby form
nearly evergreen leaf thick and leathery, glossy, short petiole, some have lobes
- Quercus hemisphaerica (hemispherical nut shape)
- Fagaceae; laurel oak
- *Fruit: nut
- red oak
- sometimes lumped with Quercus laurifolia
smooth shiny leaf w/ 3 or 5 lobes
wedge shaped base, 3-lobes look like turkey foot
large pointed terminal bud
- Quercus laevis (smooth. i.e. leaves)
- Fagaceae; turkey oak
- *Fruit: nut. cap scales roll under and inside cap
- unlike most oaks, leaves turn bright red in fall
lobing mixed b/w white- and post oaks
narrow ridges on bark
- Quercus margaretta
- Fagaceae; dwarf post oak
small crooked tree
semi-evergreen in NC
oblanceolate leaf
lots of brown racemes
- Cyrilla racemiflora (raceme-flowered)
- Cyrillaceae; titi
- fruit: drupe-like
- honey made from this tree can poison honey bee larvae
small shrub < 3ft
whorled or opp leaves (2-3/node)
waxy underside
capsule fruit on now
- Kalmia angustifolia (narrow-leaved)
- Ericaceae; sheep-kill
- fruit: capsule
- foliage poisonous to humans, livestock
small tree in NC, evergreen.
alt simple leaf w/ waxy silver underside (glaucus)
leaves smell sweet, sugary
smooth gray bark
new growth green
- Magnolia virginiana (of VA)
- Magnoliaceae; sweetbay
- *fruit: follicle
- lumber sold as magnolia or yellow-poplar
lost leaves already
bark gray w/ irregular ridges
leaves smaller than blackgum
diaphragmed pith
- Nyssa biflora (2-flowered)
- Cornaceae; swamp blackgum
- Fruit: drupe
- tupelo honey source
- OBLIGATE wetland species
- valuable pulpwood
fragrant leaves
midvein pubescent on underside
pubescent new growth/twig
- Persea palustris (of the swamp)
- Lauraceae; swampbay
- bay leaf sub for cooking
- trees in SC, GA, FL dying from Laurel Wilt disease
not associated w/ a river
leaves alt.
entire twigs fall off
- Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium (2-ranked)
- Cupressaceae; pondcypress
- *cone: peltate scales
- Obligate Wetland Species
- wood valuable for siding, shingles, shakes
tall, straight, narrow crown
tiny, scale-like, opp, decussate leaf in flat splays
bark has spiraled twisted shaggy ridges
- Chamaecyparis thyoides (similar to Thuja)
- Cupressaceae; Atlantic whitecedar, juniper
- *cone scale: peltate
- wood decay resistant, valuable
- poles pilings, siding, shingles, boats
- food for rare butterfly
- rapidly disappearing in stands due to inadequate regeneration after logging and conversion to ag or loblolly
alt, simple, eliptical evergreen leaf, glabrous, serrated, decurrent base, wedge shaped
narrow crown
older bark has thick dep ridges
capsule egg-shaped w/ long peduncle
- Gordonia lasianthus
- Theaceae (Tea Family); loblollybay, gordonia
- *fruit: capsule
small/med shrub
simple, alt, evergreen leathery leaf w/ bristles
undersides have black dots
- Ilex coriacea (leathery)
- Aquifoliaceae; gallberry
- fruit: black drupe
- songbirds
small shrub in dense thickets
alt, simple, leathery, evergreen, glabrous, leaf
new twigs are flattened, submarginal vein extends along leaf edge/margin
- Lyonia lucida (shining)
- Ericaceae; staggerbush
- fruit: capsule
loblolly cone on peduncle
epicormic branches and sprouts on trunk
longer needles
- Pinus serotina (late)
- Pinaceae; pond pine
- *cone: flat scales
- lower quality wood
< 1ft
tiny, alt. simple evergren leaf
- Vaccinium crassifolium (leaves like Crassula)
- Ericaceae; creeping blueberry
- fruit: berry