pharmacotherapy exam 3 psych

  1. what are the different types of anxiety disorder
    • panic disorder
    • generalized anxiety
    • obsessive compuslvie behavior
    • phobias
  2. what are three components to anxiety
    • physical symptoms
    • cognitive componenet
    • behavior component
  3. what are the physical system physiology of anxiety
    • perceived danger
    • brain sends message to autonoic nervous system
    • sympatheitc nervous system is activated
    • sympathetic nervous system isn in fight flight system
    • sympathetic nervous system releases adrenaline and noradrenalin
  4. what are clinical features of OCD
    • obsessions--recurring distressing ideas of images
    • compulsions--recurring behaviors designed to decrease anxiety caused by obsesssions
  5. hwhats typical treatment for OCD
    • clomipramine
    • ssris
    • cognitive behavioral therapy
  6. what are phobia disorders
    • specific phobias--heights closed spaces
    • social phobias--social anxiety--interaction public places
    • agoraphobia--fear of large open places
  7. what causes a phobia to develop
    • ferafulness of darkness, heights certain species may be inborn''preparedness theroy"
    • classical conditioning connected to experience of intense fear
    • stimulus generalization may occur
    • avoidance prevents de-conditioning
  8. what are psyychotherapy teratments for phobias
    systemiatic desensitization-- teach relaxation skills, fear hierarchy, sufferers learn to relax while facing feared objects,
  9. whats diagnostic criteria for social phobias
    • marked or persistent fear in one or more social performance situations
    • exposure to fear situation is associated with exreeme ansiety
    • person recognizes that fear is excessive or unreasonable
    • eared social and perforamcne situations are avoided or endured wiht intesne anxiety
  10. what is pharmacotherapy treatment for social phobias
    TCAs MOIs SSRIs relapse is comin when medication is discontinued
  11. what is a panic attack
    • periodic short bouts of panic that occur sudently, reach a peak and pass
    • symptoms vary among indivudals
    • intesnse symptoms build quickly
    • arive out of the blue with no warning
    • sufferers often fear they will die go crazy or lose control,
    • attacks happen in the absense of a real threat
  12. what are the biological factors that contribute to panic disorder?
    • NE--irregular in ppl with panic attacks, relaed to changes in ne acivity in locus ceruleus
    • what goes wrong is not well understood
  13. whats the diff between panic attack and panic disorder
    panic attacks... ppeople who have repeated unexpected and without apparent reason are dx as panic disorder
  14. what are cognitive explanations of panic disorder
    misinterpreting bodily sensations-- focus on bodily sensations ie overbreathing or hyperventilating
  15. how do you treat panic disorder and agoraphobia?
    • Agoraphobia--fear of the marketplace
    • medications
    • behavioral and cognitive behavioral treatments
  16. whats the cognitive perspective treat in regards to panic disorder
    • educate clients--about panic etc
    • teach clients to apply more accurate interpretations
    • teach clients skills for coping

    cognitive tehrapy is helpful, combo with drugs is most effective
  17. what is the diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety disorder
    • excessive anxiety or worry occurring more days than not for atleast 6 months about a number of events or activities
    • difficulty controlling worry
    • 3/6 symptoms need to be present: restlessness, easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance
  18. what are the neurotransmiters response to GAD when getting anxious?
    • normal fear reactions
    • key neurons fire more rapidkly
    • ceate a state of excitability throughout the brain and body, perspiration, muscle tension etc
    • excited stae is experiences as anxiety
  19. what are neurotransmitters response to GAD with calming down
    • feedback system is triggered
    • neurons release GABA
    • binds to GABA receptors on certain neurons and orders neurons to stop firiging
    • state of cal returns
    • GAD==problem in feedback system
  20. what is treatment for GAD
    short term--benzo, valium
  21. what is critical component of post traumatic stress disorder?
    symptoms occur AFTER a traumatic stressor
  22. what are three symptom categories of PTSD?
    • INTRUSIVE--distressing recolletion,s dreams, flashbacks, psych trigger rxns, phys trigger rxns
    • AVOIDANCE--avoid thoughts, feeling, discussions, activities, places, memory blocks, numb
    • HYPERAROUSAL--sleep disturbances, anger problems, concentration, startle response
  23. what are two types of PTSD
    • acute stress disorder--symptoms 2 days to 4 weeks folllowing traumatic event
    • PTSD--symptoms beyond 4 weeks, delayed onset
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pharmacotherapy exam 3 psych
anxiety disorders