Spanish Commands 2

  1. Hablar
    to talk
  2. Calentar (e-ie)
    to heat up
  3. Cortar
    to cut
  4. Pasar
    to spend time
  5. Lavar
    to wash
  6. Probar (o-ue)
    to try
  7. Mezclar
    to mix
  8. Trabajar
    to work
  9. Sacar
    to take out
  10. Practicar
    to practice
  11. Arreglar
    to pick up/fix
  12. Organizar
    to organize
  13. Preparar
    to prepare
  14. Cerrar (e-ie)
    to close
  15. Evitar
    to avoid
  16. Caminar
    to walk
  17. Levantar
    to lift
  18. Jugar (u-ue)
    to play
  19. Llegar
    to arrive
  20. Descansar
    to rest
  21. Limpiar
    to clean
  22. Pensar (e-ie)
    to think
  23. Estudiar
    to study
  24. Dar
    to give
  25. Ayudar
    to help
  26. Desayunar
    to have breakfast
  27. Cenar
    to have dinner
  28. Almorzar (o-ue)
    to have lunch
  29. Comprar
    to buy/shop
  30. Tener
    to have
  31. Hacer
    to do/make
  32. Poner
    to put
  33. Ser
    to be
  34. Beber
    to drink
  35. Leer
    to read
  36. Correr
    to run
  37. Traer
    to bring
  38. Comer
    to eat
  39. Pedir (e-i)
    to order
  40. Escribir
    to write
  41. Dormir (o-ue)
    to sleep
  42. Venir
    to come
  43. Ir
    to go
  44. Salir
    to go out
  45. Servir (e-i)
    to serve
  46. Añadir
    to add
  47. Abrir
    to open
  48. Repetir (e-i)
    to repeat
Card Set
Spanish Commands 2
A list of spanish verbs and their meanings.