Chem 30 Redox

  1. What is a redox reaction?
    A transfer of electrons. Must have both reduction and oxidation happening for the reaction to occur. The number of electrons gained and lost must be equal.
  2. What kinds of reactions are redox reactions?
    Formation, decomposition, single replacement, combustion, photosynthesis/cellular respiration.
  3. What is oxidation?
    • -A loss of electrons
    • -Becomes more positive
    • -Electrons are shown as products
    • -Increase in oxidation number
    • ex: Fe(s) + O2(g) -> Fe2O3(s)
  4. What is reduction?
    • -A gain of electrons
    • -Becomes more negative
    • -Electrons are shown as reactants
    • -Decrease in oxidation number
    • ex: NiO(s) + H2(g) -> Ni(s) + H2O(l)
  5. What is an oxidizing agent?
    A species undergoing reduction that is responsible for the oxidation of another species. Oxidizing agents gain electrons and become more negative.
  6. What is a reducing agent?
    A species undergoing oxidation that is responsible for the reduction of another species. Reducing agents lose electrons and become more positive.
  7. What is a non-ionic equation?
    • An equation where species aren't dissociated.
    • ex: Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq)-> ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
  8. What is a total ionic equation?
    • An equation where all species are dissociated.
    • ex: Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) -> Zn2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) + Cu(s)
  9. What is a net ionic equation?
    • An equation where species are dissociated and spectators are removed.
    • ex: Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)+ -> Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
  10. What do oxidizing agents tend to be?
    Metal ions and nonmetal atoms because they can accept electrons and become negative.
  11. What do reducing agents tend to be?
    Metal atoms and nonmetal ions because they can lose electrons and become positive.
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Chem 30 Redox