Psychology Unit 2

  1. Personality
    A person’s pattern of thinking, feeling and acting
  2. Sigmund Freud
    Founder of psychoanalysis
  3. Psychodynamic perspective
    The neo-Freudians use parts of Freud’s theory to form this perspective
  4. Preconsious
    Region of consciousness that is NOT conscious but is easily retrievable
  5. Unconsious
    Thoughts, wishes, feelings, & memories which we are unaware of
  6. Id
    Our sense of right & wrong in our personality
  7. Ego
    Mediates between id & superego
  8. Superego
    Our sense of right & wrong in our personality
  9. Defense mechanisms
    These are used by our ego to protect us from the unconscious demands
  10. Repression
    Pushing horrific experiences deep into memory so you do not remember the event
  11. Regression
    When you go back to previous behaviors for attention & protection
  12. Projection
    People disguise threats of your own by pushing them onto others
  13. 5 psychosocial stages
    oral, anal, phallic, latency, & genital
  14. Self-actualization
    The highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  15. Self-concept
    Central feature of your personality
  16. Traits
    Characteristics patterns of behavior & motivation
  17. Big 5 Personality Traits
    Emotional stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, coscientousness
  18. Personality inventory
    A questionnaire to assess feelings and behaviors of a sample
  19. When a personality test gets the results it was designed for
  20. validity
    When a test measures what it is supposed to measure
  21. Social-cognitive Theory
    Personality perspective that uses modeling, rewards and environmental influences
  22. Psychological disorder
    a harmful disfunction in a person
  23. maladaptive
    a behavior that is destructive to one’s self
  24. unjustifiable
    A behavior that is without rational basis
  25. disturbing
    A behavior that is troublesome to other people
  26. atypical
    A behavior that violates a social norms or a culture
  27. Medical model
    Psychological disorder that is linked to specific biological problems & symptoms
  28. Bio-psycho-social model
    3 factors that interact to produce psychological disorders
  29. DSM-IV-TR: Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
    The book used to classify psychological disorders
  30. Generalized anxiety disorder
    Anxiety disorder marked by persistent, unexplained feelings of apprehension & tension
  31. Obsessive compulsive disorder
    Psychological disorder that has symptoms of unwanted repetitive thoughts
  32. Panic disorder
    Anxiety disorder marked by intense and unexplained panic
  33. phobias
    Anxiety disorder that show irrational fears of objects or situations
  34. Bipolar disorder
    Disorder where there are states of over-excitement and complete helplessness
  35. Helplessness and attributional styles
    Causes of mood disorder according to social cognitive theory
  36. Dissociative disorders
    disorder where the sense of self may exhibit separate states
  37. Dissociative amnesia
    Loss of memory due to a traumatic even
  38. Dissociative identity disorders
    When a person has 2 or more distinct personalities
  39. hypochondriasis
    When there are no physical causes of a sickness but someone is sick and suffering
  40. Somatoform disorders
    Psychological disorders where symptoms take a bodily form w/o a physical cause
  41. Somatoform disorders
    Disorders that show delusional thinking & disturbed perception
  42. schizophrenia
    Disorders that show delusional thinking & disturbed perception
  43. delusion
    False beliefs that schizophrenics experience
  44. Word salad
    Unrelated words & phrases that schizophrenics use
  45. catatonic schizophrenia
    Type of schizophrenia that has delusions of grandeur and persecution
  46. undifferentiated schizophrenia
    A schizophrenic that cannot be labeled paranoid, catatonic or disorganized
  47. Personality disorders
    Patterns of behavior that harm social functioning
  48. schizoid
    Someone who is unable to form social relationships
  49. Antisocial personality disorder
    Personality disorder characterized by a lack of guilt feelings
  50. Psychotherapy
    Interactions between a therapist & someone suffering from a psychological difficulty
  51. Eclectic therapy
    Using various forms of therapy
  52. Active listening
    Feature of client-centered therapy
  53. Operant & classical conditioning
    Behavior therapy uses these 2 types of conditioning
  54. Systematic desensitization
    Trying to associate a relaxed state to something that creates high anxiety
  55. Aversive conditioning
    Giving alcoholics a nausea-inducing drink is an example of aversive conditioning
  56. Cognitive-behavoiral therapy
    Changing the way that you see the world and creating an alternate reaction to negative emotions
  57. Similar problems
    Group therapy is more beneficial for people who have…
  58. psychiatrist
    The type of therapists that can prescribe medications
  59. Cognitive AND behavior therapies
    Therapy type that helps the most to treat depression
Card Set
Psychology Unit 2
mood and mental disorders vocabulary