Intro to fungi

  1. Myxomycota
    plasmodial slime molds, now in protista
  2. Phylum labyrinthulomycota
    net slime molds
  3. Labyrinthula macrocystis
    thought to cause a serious disease of ellgrass (Zoastera marina), which had a serious impact on brant, redhead, flounders, cod and scallop.
  4. Where can slime molds be found?
    The plasmodial stage is found on rotting logs, leaf litter, or in moist, shaded soil.
  5. importance of slime molds?
    some are serious plant pests. ex: cabbage clubroot disease cause by Plasmodiophora brassicae, an endophytic parasite.

    slime molds are significant decomposers, and thus contribute to the maintenance of nutrient cycling.
  6. Plasmodium
    is a multinucleate, pigmented, naked protoplast in the vegetative state.
  7. sclerotium
    hardened form of the plasmodium when temperature or moisture are reduced below acceptable levels.
  8. macrocysts
    dormant stage of sclerotium that is composed of irregular hardened masses.
  9. Peridium
    typically a sporangium consists of an outer wall, which may be either delicate or firm.
  10. capillitium
    a delicate network of hair-like structures among which one finds the spores.
  11. sporangiophore
    the stipe or stalk of the sporangium.
  12. hypothallus
    a thin membranous structure
  13. plasmodiocarps
    hardened vein-like structures that form spores
  14. aethelia
    miniature puff-ball-like structure that forms spores.
  15. swarm cells
    cells with two flagella that are used in swimming in an aquatic medium for germination.
  16. myxamoebae
    naked protoplasts that form with dry conditions. not flagellated.
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Intro to fungi