Contextual Descripton
- -"Thick Description"
- -Attempts to explain a wide range of factors deemed important for a particular context or contexts (country, historical event, a particular social group)
Normative Theory
- -The realm of political philosophy
- -"What ought to be"
Empirical Theory
Theory designed to explain the relationship between 2 or more variables
- The attempt to use observations of facts to explain something that may not be directly observable
- -Inference is what gives rise to political theories
Units of Analysis
- -the objects of observation
- -countries, regional bodies, individual political leaders, electoral systems, etc.
- -should be directly comparable units
Micro-level Analysis
explains political phenomena as a function of individuals' influence
Macro-level Analysis
Explanations that derive from identification of structures that impact the political world (ex: Marxism)
Meso-level Analysis
Mixes micro and macro and identifies "middle-level" structures such as institutions, that influence individual behavior, and vice-versa