Head, Neck, and Regional Lymphatics

  1. Dizziness
  2. Vertigo
    True rotational spinning
  3. Hyper/hypothyroid effects on cardiovascular
    • Hypo: Bradycardia
    • Hyper: Tachycardia
  4. Hyper/hypothyroid effects on GI
    • Hypo: Constipation
    • Hyper: Diarrhea
  5. Hyper/hypothyroid effects on skin
    • Hypo: dry, brittle hair
    • Hyper: Fine, silky, soft hair
  6. Hyper/hypothyroid effects on neuro
    • Hypo: Fatigue
    • Hyper: Nervousness
  7. Hyper/hypothyroid effects on heat tolerance
    Hypo: Cold
  8. Hyper/hypothyroid effects on heat
    • Hypo: Cold
    • Hyper: Hot
  9. Hyper/hypothyroid effects on weight
    • Hypo: weight gain
    • Hyper: weight loss
  10. Name four sets of skull bones
    • 1. Forntal
    • 2. Parietal
    • 3. Temporal
    • 4. Occipital
  11. Fused bones of face
    frontal, nasal, zygomatic, lacrimal, sphenoid, maxilla
  12. Movable bones of face
    Mandible (connects to temporal bone at TMJ)
  13. Vessels of neck
    • 1. carotid and internal jugular (lay beneath the SCM muscle)
    • 2. external jugular beon (visible over the SCM muscle)
  14. Accessory muscles of resp (CNXI)
    Location of SCM
    • Extends from the anterior neck to the mastoid process behin dthe ear
    • Rotates the head side to side
  15. Accessory muscles of resp
    • Large, flat triangular muscle
    • Attaches to the occipital bone and extends to the scapular and clavicles
  16. Purpose of trapezius
    • Helps with shoulder shrug
    • Rotates head side to side and extends head backwards
  17. Two triangular muscles
    • anterior triangle (anterior to SCM)
    • posterior triangle (between SCM and trapezius)
  18. Hyoid Bone
    Floor of mouth
  19. Thyroid catilage
    Prominent notch = Adam's apple
  20. Cricoid cartilage
    • Upper tracheal ring
    • Site for emergency cricoidotomy
  21. What two hormones do the thyroid secrete
    • T4 (thyroxine)
    • T3 (triiodothyronine)
  22. Nml degrees for fexion, lateral flexion (ear to shoulder), rotation (turn right and left), and extension
    • 1. 45
    • 2. 40
    • 3. 70
    • 4. 55
  23. What does the right lymphatic duct drain
    RIGHT head and neck, arm, thorax lung and pleura, heart, and upper liver
  24. What does the thoracic duct drain
    rest of the body
  25. What does the preauricular node drain and where is it located
    • Drains: scalp, forehead, lateral eyelids, eyes, upper face and external auditory canal)
    • Located: anterior to tragus
  26. What does the postauricular drain and where is it located
    • Drains: Parietal area od scalp and external auditory canal
    • Location: behind ear on mastoid process
  27. Wha does the occipital node drain and where is it located
    • Drain: Parietal region of scalp
    • Location: Base of skull
  28. What does the submental drain and where is it located
    • Drain: Mouth, lips, and tongue
    • Location: Midline, behind the tip of the mandible
  29. What does the submaxillary (submandibular) node drain and where is it located
    • Drain: Lips, mouth, tongue and and submaxillary glands
    • Location: Half way btw jaw angle and tip of mandible
  30. What does the tonsillar node drain and where it is located
    • Drain: Eyelids, frontotemporal skin, external auditory meatus, tympanic cavity, tonsils, posterior palate, floor of mouth and thyroid
    • Location: at the angle of the jaw
  31. What does the superficial or anterior cervical drain and where is it located
    • Drain: Skin of ear and neck
    • Location: Overlying the SCM muscle
  32. What does the deep cervical chain node drain and where is it located
    • Drain: Ear, larynx, thyroid, trachea, upper part of esophagus
    • Location: Under SCM muscle
  33. What does the posterior cervical chain node drain and where is it located
    • Drain: posterior scalp, posterior skin of neck, and thyroid
    • Location: Posterior triangle along the edge of the trapezius muscle
  34. What does the supraclavicular node drain and where is it located
    • Drain: Upper abd, lungs, breast, arm
    • Location: Above and behind the SCM muscle
  35. When does the posterior fontanel close
    2 months
  36. When does the anterior fontanel close
    24 months
  37. Craniostenosis
    Premature closure of one or more cranial sutures while brain growth continues
  38. Microcephalus
    Abn small head
  39. Hydrocephalus
    Obstruction to CSF drainage results in an enlarged head and increased ICP
  40. Head lesions of sebaceous cysts (Wen)
    Smooth, firm mass on the scalp r/t occlusion of the sebaceous duct
  41. Trisomy 21/Downs Syndrome
    • 3 chromosomes instead of 2
    • Etes have inner epicanthal folds, flat nasal bridge, small broad flat nose, protruding thick tongue, ear dysplasia (incorrect slant), and short broad neck with wbbing (epicanthal fold= extra fold on skin covering inner corner of eye)
  42. Acromegaly
    Excessive secretion of growth hormone produces an enlarged skull, thickened cranial bone and coarse facial features
  43. Parkinson's disease
    Masklike face with staring gaze
  44. Cushing's Syndrome
    Increased adrenal glucocorticoids. Moonlike round face, prominent jowls, hirsutism
  45. Nephortic Syndrome
    Face edematous and pale, periorbital edema
  46. Graves disease
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • Exopthalamus (protruding eyeballs)
  47. Myxedema
    • Severe hypothyroidism
    • Puffy face, periorbital edema, dry skin and hair, eyebrows coarse and thin lateral margins
  48. Bells's Palsy
    • May be r/t HSV1
    • Paralysis of CNVII
    • In contrast to stroke, this person cannot wrinkle the forehead
  49. Tics and fasiculations
    Involuntary contraction of a muscle group
  50. Temporal arteritis
    pain with palpation of temporal artery
  51. trigeminal neuralgia
    • AKA tic delaroux
    • Affects CNV. Extremely painful
  52. Herpes Zoster
    Inflammation along any nerve root
  53. Lymphedema
    • excessive collection of fluid in the interstitia spaces d/t blocked or infectedlymphatic channels.
    • Aquired or congenital (Milroy disease)
Card Set
Head, Neck, and Regional Lymphatics
Head, Neck, and Regional Lymphatics