Embryo- GI

  1. Epithelium and Glands are derived from...
  2. Submucosa and Tunica Serosa/Adventitia are derived from...
    Spanchnic Mesoderm
  3. Longitudinal Folding...
    Cephalic End =>
    Middle part =>
    Caudal End =>
    • Cephalic End =>ForeGut
    • Middle part => Midgut
    • Caudal End => Hind Gut
  4. Yolk Sac is lined by ___derm and forms the _____
    • Endoderm
    • Primitive Gut
  5. 5 Regions of the GI tract
    • Stomodeum
    • Foregut
    • Midgut
    • Hindgut
    • Proctodeum
  6. The stomodeum and proctodeum are _____ depressions
  7. Buccopharyngeal Membrane formed by ____ and _____
    • Foregut ENDOderm
    • Stomodeum ECTOderm
  8. The cloacal membrane if formed by the ____ and ____
    • Hindgut ENDOderm
    • Proctodeum ECTOderm
  9. Stomodeum extends from the ___ to ___
    Oral opening to the buccopharyngeal opening
  10. Foregut extends from ___ to ___
    Buccopharyngeal Opening to Cranial Intestinal Portal
  11. The midgut extends from ____ to ____
    cranial to caudal intestinal port
  12. The Hindgut extends from the ____ to ____
    Caudal Intestinal Port to the Cloacal Membrane
  13. The proctodeum extends from the
    Cloacal Membrane to the External Opening
  14. The mouth derives from the:
  15. The Foregut forms the (4):
    • Pharynx
    • Esophageous
    • Stomach
    • *Cranial Duodenum
  16. The Midgut forms the (5):
    • *Caudal Duodenum
    • Jejunem
    • Ileum
    • Cecum
    • *Cranial Colon
  17. The Hindgut forms (2):
    • *Caudal Colon
    • Rectum
  18. The Proctodeum forms (2):
    • Anal Canal
    • Anus
  19. Greater Curvature of the stomach shifts to the ___
  20. The Pyloric Region (Caudal End) shifts to the ___
  21. The Spleen is derived from which layer?
    Splanchnic Mesoderm
  22. Omentum, Medosuodenum and Mesentery is derived from
    Splanchnis Mesoderm
  23. In ruminants, which parts develop from an outpocketing of teh simple stomach?
    *Rumen, Reticulum and Omasum develop from...
  24. Dorsal side of the stomach ->
    Ventral side of the stomach ->
    • Dorsal -> Greater Curvature
    • Ventral -> Lesser Curvature
  25. 1st rotation of the stomach =>
    Greater Curvature -> L
  26. 2nd rotation of the stomach =>
    Caudal end -> R and Cranially
  27. Spleen is derived from ___ of the ___
    Mesoderm of the Dorsal Mesogastrum
  28. Which chamber is the smallest in...
    L. Ruminants-
    S. Ruminants-
    • L Rum- Reticulum
    • S Rum- Omasum
  29. What causes rotation during the development of the midgut?
    Cranial loop grows faster than the caudal loop
  30. Cranial Limb of the midgut=
    • Distal Duodenum
    • Jejunem
    • Ilium
  31. Caudal Limb of the midgut=
    • Ileum
    • Cecum
    • Ascending and (part of) transverse Colon
  32. Colon in...
    Dogs & Cats:
    • Dogs & Cats: Straight
    • Cattle: Spiral loop w/ 2centrifugal/2centripedal
    • Goat/Sheep:Spiral Loop w/ 3centrifugal/3centripedal
    • Equine: 2 limbs that differentiate further
    • Pig: Centripedal and Centrifugal coils
  33. The Urorectal Septum is derived from:
    • Endoderm
    • Mesenchyme
  34. The urorectal septum divides the ___ into the ___ & ___
    ... cloaca into the Rectum & Urogenital Septum
  35. The proctodeum develops into the
    Anal Canal & Anus
  36. Atresia Ani occurs when
    the anal mem does not break down
  37. Clinical Sign of Urorectal Fistula
    Feces in urine
  38. Clinical Sign of Meckel's Diverticulum
    Feces from umbilicus
  39. Clinical Signs of Omphalocele
    Umbilical Hernia
  40. Clinical Signs of Patent Urachus (Urachal Fistgula)
    Urine from umbilicus
  41. What causes omphalocele?
    Midgut loop does not retract
  42. The hepatic bud is derived from the ____
  43. The hepatic bud forms:
    • Pars Hepatica
    • Pars Cystica
  44. Pars Hepatica forms (2):
    • Liver Parenchyma
    • Hepatic Ducts
  45. In the liver, what is derived from the endoderm (4)?
    • Cords
    • Sinuses
    • Hepoatocytes
    • Lobules
  46. In the liver, what is derived from the mesoderm (2)?
    • Kupffer Cells
    • CT cells
  47. In the liver, what is derived from the Splanchnic Mesoderm (2)?
    • CT capsule
    • ligaments
  48. Pars Cystica forms (2):
    • Cystic Duct
    • Gall Bladder
  49. ____ + ____ open into the Major Duodenal Papilla
    Cystic Duct + Hepatic Duct
  50. Accessory Pancreatic Duct is absent in
  51. Pancreatic Duct is absent in
    • Ox
    • Pigs
  52. Pancreas is derived from the
  53. Rotation of the stomach results in the formation of the..
    Epipolic Foramen
  54. The lung bud appears as an outgrowth from the...
    ventral wall of the foregut
  55. Laryx, trachea and bronci are derived from
  56. Cartilagenous and muscular components of the respiratory system are derived from
    Splanchnic Mesoderm
  57. Pulmonary Macrophages are derived from
  58. Lobes of R lung:
    • Cr
    • Middle
    • Ca
    • Accessory
  59. Special respiratory structure found in ruminants:
    Tracheal Bronchus
  60. The tracheal bronchus connects the...
    • Esophogus
    • R Cranial lobe
  61. Significant respiraoty changes that occur just after birth (4):
    • Increase [CO2} =>
    • Respiratory Center =>
    • Respiration =>
    • Lungs expand
  62. What begins to contrict w/ the onset of respiration?
    Ductus Arteriosus
  63. What prduces surfactant?
    Pneumocyte II
  64. How is fluid removed from the lungs (3):
    • Pharyx/Oral Cavity
    • Evaporation
    • Pulm. Lymphatics
  65. What causes Respiratory Distress (2)?
    • Insufficient surfactant
    • Hypovolemia
  66. Clinical Symptoms of Respiratory Distress (2)?
    • Seizures
    • Barker Foal Syndrome
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Embryo- GI
Embryo- GI