self-fulfilling prophecy
an idea that comes true simple because one believes that it will
- - have more concerns about health
- 1. losing a parent
- 2. Changes in the body are more apparent
- 3. experiencing more health problems
- - Basal metabolism rate: the minimum amount of energy an individual tends to use when in a resting state
- - cant adapt to sudden changes in intensity of light
- - decrease in the ability to focus on nearby objects
- - decrease in the ability to detect certain colors
- - certain tones are harder to detach
- - decrease in ability to understand speech
symptoms are affected by expectations / attitude
- - climacteric: refers to a relatively abrupt change in the body, brought about by changes in hormonal balances
- - 40's-50's
- -climacterium: loss of reproductive ability only to women
Gail Sheehy:
coalescense: 2nd adulthood, no pregnancies, having integration and balance, and liberation
Male Change of life:
- - hormonal changes on appearance, and physical and emotional state ae unclear
- -There is NO male menopause.
Does intelligence Decline in middle age?
J.L. Horn:
a. yes in some ways and no in others
Fluid- info processing
- a. you see a slowing down, decline as you get older
- b. directing affecting the CNS
- c. reaction time
- d. on the spot reasoning
- e. think
- f. reason
- g. influenced by genetics
- a. does not decline
- b. verbal
- c. culture
- d. accumulated
- e. application of knowledge
- 1. Dual Process model
- a. mechanics: genetics
- b. pragmatics: culture/memory
- Learning:
- a. speed of response
- b. motivation: may not be as great
- a. elderly parents
- b. empty nest- kids in college
- c. married children - grandkids
Midcareer Crisis:
- a. stage that some persons go through in middle age during which they come to question their career and personal goals and dreams
- - work division