Ch 14

  1. Levinson
    Stage Theorist
  2. Life Course
    life refers to all aspects of living -- everything that has significance in a life; course refers to the flow or unfolding of an indicidual's life
  3. LIfe cycle
    life referes to all aspects of living -- everything that has significance in a life; course refers to the flow or unfolding of an individual's life
  4. Included in Life Cycle
    • a. pattern
    • b. sequence
    • 1. series of eras (bio,psycho, social)
    • 2. transitions: each new era begins as an old era is approaching its end; that "inbetween" time is a transition
  5. Life structure
    • underlying pattern or desig nof a person's life at a given time.- primary components
    • - relationships (1 or 2)
    • - central component
  6. Structure Building
    • during sturcture-building periods, individuals face that task of building a stable structure around choices they have made. - based on our choices
    • - stability 5-7 years
  7. Structure Changing
    • process of reappraising the exxisting life sturcture and exploring the possibilities for new life sturctures characterized the structure-changing period.
    • - reappraisal of structure
    • - 5 years - actual change takes place after new structure - growth
  8. New structure
    increase confidence, and decrease stress
  9. individuation
    special/separate personality - refers to our becoming more individual; we develop a separate and special personality, derived less and less from our parents and teaches and more from our own behavior.
  10. Male
    • - defined by separation
    • - threatened by intimacy
  11. Female
    • - defined by attachment
    • - intimacy goes with identity
  12. * Period of growth and decline (co-existence)
  13. Novice Phase
    period of ages 17-33 that includes early adult transition, according to Levinson.
  14. Novice Phase
    • 1. Dream: "Most men construct a vision, an imagined possibility that generates vitality"
    • 2. Mentor relationships: each man should find someone who is older, more experienced, and willing to make suggestions at each of the choice points in his early adult life.
    • 3. An occupational decision: a man should begin to build on his strengths and to choose a vocation that values those strengths.
    • 4. Love relationships: Each man should make decisions on a marriage partner, number of children desired, and the type of relationship that he wants to have with his wife and children. - transition to parenthood is a risk to couples
  15. BLY
    • 2 events that have damaged male devleopment
    • - Industrial revolution: no mentorship between father and son due to more factory work
    • - No fault Divorce: makes divorce eaiser, wife gets the child mostly
    • ***(impotant in Novice Phase)***
  16. Mentoring: the act of assisting another, usually younger, person with his or her work or life tasks.
  17. Early Adult Transition 17-22
    - Begin to form dream
  18. Entering Adult World 22-28
    - rely on spouse/mentor
  19. Age 30 Transition 28-33
    - evaluate the structure
  20. Settling down 33-40
    • - BOOM - becoming one's own man
    • - dropping the mentor
    • - automony and recognition
    • - go for promotion
    • - realizie the dream
  21. Erickson
    intimacy (partnership) / isolationintimacy (partnership) / isolation
  22. intimacy
    represents the ability to relate one's deepest hopes and fears to another person and to accept another's need for intimacy in turn.
  23. identity
  24. Solidarity
    for the personality style of persons who are able to commit themselves in concrete affiliations and partnerships
  25. Distantiation
    the readiness of all of us to distance ourselves from others when we feel threatened by their behavior - biases prejudices
  26. Evolution
    • - Gender roles
    • - gender bround behavior devleoped over millenia
    • - males: fight or flight
    • - females: bend and bond
    • - men and women are predisposed in interact with the environment is predisposed
  27. Sternberg: 3 components
    • - Passion: a strong desire for another person, and the expectation that sex with them will prove physiologically rewarding
    • - Intimacy: the ability to share one's deepest and most secret feelings and thoughts with another
    • - Commitment: the stongly held conviction that one will stay with another, regardless of the cost
  28. Fromm
    - validation: for the reciprocal sharing of deep secrets and feelings that allows people to feel loved and accepted - reality check, and the honest assessment from someone we trust
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Ch 14
early adulthood