central america

  1. What 7 countries make up Central America?
    Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama
  2. What are the problems and benefits of the Central Highlands?
    The problems are that it's hard to cross and communicate from one place to another. The benefits are that it has fertile soil to farm on.
  3. On what two occupations does the economy of Central America depend?
    Farming and harvesting wood
  4. What kind of farming takes place in Central America?
    Commercial farming and subsistence farming
  5. List three ways rain forests are used and two ways they are threatened?
    • Used: Wood research-development of new medicines, ecotourism, wood for loggers, trees are cut down for farming space.
    • Threatened: Their trees are being cut down and loss of rich soil from erosion
  6. What is missing from the skylines of Central American cities?
    The smokestacks of industry
  7. What types of governments do the countries in Central America have today?
    Democratic democracy and Parlimentary democracy
  8. What languages do the people of Central America have today?
    Native American languages, English in Belize, and Spanish
  9. What religion do most Central Americans follow?
    Roman Catholic
  10. The Caribbean islands include:
    • The Greater Antilles
    • The Lesser Antilles
    • Bahamas
  11. Many of the Caribbean islands are part of an underwater chain of mountains formed formed by
  12. Some of the Carribean Islands are _____________mountains.
  13. Most of the caribbean islands have what type of climate?
    tropical savanna
  14. What is the regions major industry?
  15. Many laborers work on plantations that grow_____________ _____________.
    commercial crops
  16. Most of the Caribbean islands do not have large amounts of ____________________.
  17. The first permanent European settlement in the Western Hemisphere was founded by the ____________.
  18. The first islands to gain independence were:
    Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba
  19. What type of government does the country of Cuba have?
  20. What country is a big sugar producer?
  21. What is a cooperative?
    Farms owned and operated by the government.
  22. Haiti is the first nation to be founded by __________ __________persons.
    formerly enslaved
  23. Most of Haiti's people are of __________ancestry.
  24. The Dominican Republic was settled by ___________.
  25. ___________is an important crop in the Dominican Republic.
  26. What are areas where people can buy goods from other countries without paying extra taxes?
    Free trade zones
  27. Puerto Rico became a United States _____________ in 1952.
  28. Workers mine_______________for export to factories that make aluminum.
  29. A high ___________ _________ reveals that most of a country's people can read.
    literacy rate
  30. Cuba is a _______________ __________because the leaders have strong control of the economy and society as a whole.
    communist state
  31. In Cuba, farmers work on a government-run _____________.
  32. A _____________ is a fierce storm with heavy rains and high winds of more that 74 miles per hour.
  33. The Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and Lesser Antilles are____________, or groups of islands, located in the Caribbean Sea.
  34. The United States placed a ban on trade, or an __________, on Cuba.
  35. Costa Rica uses its rain forests to attract ___________.
  36. Valuable resources can be found under Central America's topmost layer of rain forest, called the _________.
  37. In 1952 Puerto Rico became a _______________, or a partly self-ruling terrritory; in earlier times it had been a colony of Spain.
  38. Central America is an _____________,or a narrow piece of land that links North America and South America.
  39. Belize is a __________, or a country with an elected president.
  40. What are 4 major crops grown in Central America?
    coffee, bananas, cotton, and sugar cane
  41. Name 2 important factors that affect Cental American economics.
    Farming and Harvesting Wood
Card Set
central america
central america and the caribbean islands