quiz 4 vocab

  1. an interdependent set of urban settlements within a specified region
    urban system
  2. the physical structure and organization of cities
    urban form
  3. the social and demographic composition of city districts and neighbourhoods
    urban ecology
  4. the way of life, attitudes, values, and patterns of behaviour fostered by urban settings
  5. a city that serves as a link between one country or region and others because of its physical situation
    gateway city
  6. a city that is seen as the embodiment of surprising and disturbing changes in economic, social, and cultural lives
    shock city
  7. settlements in which certain products and services are available to consumers
    central places
  8. a theory that seeks to explain the relative seize and spacing of towns and cities as a function of people's shopping behaviours
    central place theory
  9. the maximum distance that consumers will normally travel to obtain a particular product or service
  10. the minimum market size to make the sale of a particular product or service profitable
  11. a statistical regularity in city-size distributions of countries and regions
    rank- size rule
  12. a condition in which the population of the largest city in an urban system is disproportionately large in relation to the second and third largest cities in the system
  13. the functional dominance of cities within an urban system
  14. very large cities characterized by high centrality within their national economy
  15. economic activities that take place beyond official record and are not subject to formalized systems of regulation or remuneration
    informal sector
  16. set of manufacturing, processing, trading, or service activities that serve markets beyond the city
    economic base
  17. economic activities that provide income from sales to customers beyond city limits
    basic functions
  18. economic activities that serve a city's own population
    nonbasic functions
  19. the process by which the economic growth of a cit enables it to attain a position of national dominance and, in so doing, creates the geographical structure of a metropolis and hinterland
  20. the net loss of populations from cities to smaller towns and rural areas
  21. a condition in which cities grow more rapidly than jobs and housing they can sustain
  22. residential developments on land that is neither owned nor rented by its occupants
    squatter settlements
  23. the central nucleus of commercial land uses in a city
    central business district(CBD)
  24. area of mixed commercial and residential land uses surrounding the CBD
    zone in transition
  25. nodal concentrations of shopping and office space that are situated on the outer fringes of metropolitan areas, typically near major highway intersections
    edge cities
  26. the movement into older, centrally located working- class neighbourhoods by higher income households seeking the character and convenience of less expensive and well located residences
  27. the territorial and residential clustering of specific groups or subgroups of people
  28. population subgroups that are seen or that see themselves as somehow different from the general population
    minority groups
  29. the spatial separation of specific population subgroups within a wider population
  30. a hypothetical uniform plane flat and with no variations in its physical attributes
    isotropic surface
  31. a process of neighbourhood change whereby one social or ethnic group succeeds another
    invasion and succession
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quiz 4 vocab
Chapter 10 and 11 vocab