psychology test 3

  1. scaffolding
    more skilled learner helps less skilled learner
  2. zone of proximal development
    diff. between what a child can do alone and child can do with help of a teacher
  3. temperment
    behavioral charactereistic that fairly well established at birth
  4. easy temperment
    regular adaptable and happy
  5. difficult temperment
    irregular, non adaptable, irritable
  6. slow to warm up temperment
    need to adjust gradually to change
  7. attachment
    emotional bond b/w an infant and primary caregiver
  8. secure attachment
    • willing to explore
    • upset when mother departs but easily soothed upon her return
  9. avoidant
    • unattached
    • explore without "touching base"
  10. ambivalent attachment
    • insecurely attached
    • upset when mother leaves and then angry with mothers upon her return
  11. disorganized-disoriented attachment
    • insecurely attached and sometimes abused or neglected
    • seemed fearful
    • dazed
    • depressed
  12. eriksons first four stages
    • trust versus mistrust
    • autonomy versus shame and doubt
    • initiative versus guilt
    • industry versus inferiority
  13. trust versus mistrust
    • first stage of personality developement
    • infants
    • result of consistent or inconsistent care
  14. autonomy versus shame and doubt
    • second state of personality development
    • toddlers
    • strive for physical independence
  15. initiative versus guilt
    • third stage of personality development
    • preschool-aged child
    • strives for emotional and psychological independence
    • attempts to satisfy curiosity about the world
  16. industry versus inferiority
    • fourth stage of personality development
    • adolescent
    • sense of competence and self-esteem
  17. gender
    behavior associated with being male or female
  18. gender identity
    perception of ones gender and the behavior that is associated with that gender
  19. adolescence
    • 13-20
    • no longer physically a child but is not yet an independence, self-supporting adult
  20. puberty
    • physical changes that occur in the body as sexual development reaches its peak
    • (period of about 4 years)
  21. personal fable
    • (egocentric thinking)
    • common in adolescents in which young ppl blieve themselves to be unique and protected from harm
  22. imaginary audience
    • (egocentric thinking
    • comming to adolescents
    • believe that other ppl are just as concerned about the adolescents thought and characteristics as they themselves are.
  23. preconventional morality
    • first level of kohlberg's stages of oaral development
    • childs behavior is governed by the consequences of the behavior.
  24. conventional morality
    • second level of kohlbers stages or moral development
    • childs behavior is governed by conforming to societys norms of behavior
  25. postconventional morality
    • third level of kohlbergs stages of moral development
    • persons behavior is govered by moral principlesthat have been decided on by the indiidual and which may be in disagreement with aaccepted social norms
  26. eriksons fifth stage
    identity versus role confusion
  27. identity versus role confusion
    • fifth stage of eriksons personality development
    • adolescent must find a consistent sense of self
  28. climacterics
    • ending at about age 50
    • menopause
    • cessation of ovulation, and menstrual cyles
    • end womens reporductive capability
  29. andropause
    • gradula changes in sexual hormones and reproductive system of males
    • increase in health problems
    • decrease reaction time
    • stability in intelligence and memory
  30. eriksons last three stages
    • intimacy
    • generativity
    • integrity
  31. intimacy, eriksons last 3 stages
    • an emotional and psychological closeness
    • based on ability to trust
    • share
    • care
    • while maintianing sense of self
  32. generativity, eriksons last 3 stages
    • providing guidance to ones children or next genration
    • contributing to the well-being of the next generation through career or voluneer work
  33. integrity, erikons last 3 stages
    • sense of wholeness that comes from having lived a full life and the ability to let go of regrets
    • final completion of ego
Card Set
psychology test 3
all notes 8-11