sam science

  1. educated guess using what you know and what you observe
  2. amount of space occupied by an object
  3. push or pull that one body exerts on another
  4. force that opposes motion between two touching surfaces
  5. states that any two masses exert an attractive force on each other,the amount of which depends on the mass of the two objects and the distance between them
    law of gravitation
  6. organized procedure for testing a hypothesis that tests the effect of one thing on another under controlled conditions
  7. distancce an object travels per unit of time
  8. sum of the forces that are acting on an object
    net force
  9. acceleration of an object toward the center of a curved or circular path
    centipetal acceleration
  10. speed of an object at a given point in time, which is constant for an object moving with constant speed and is different at each point in time for an object that is slowing down or speeding up
    instantaneous speed
  11. factor that can cause a change in the results of an experiment
  12. describes the speed and direction of a moving object
  13. forces on a body that are equal in size and opposite in directionand do not change the motion of the body
    balanced force
  14. a force directed toward the center of a circle for an object moving in circular motion
    centripetal force
  15. property that a moving object has because of its mass and velocity
  16. in an experiment, a variable that does not change when other variables change
  17. rate of change of velocity, which occurs if an object speeds up, changes direction, or slows down
  18. resistance of an object to a change in its motion
  19. gravitation force exerted on an object by earth
  20. total distance that an object travels divided by the total time it takes to travel that distance
    average speed
  21. L to mL
    L x 1000
  22. mL to L
    mL / 1,000
  23. celsius to kelvin
    celsius + 273
  24. kelvin to celsius
    K - 273
  25. formula for momentum
    p= mv
  26. formula for velocity
    v= p / m
  27. formula for speed
    s= d / t
  28. formula for acceleration
    a= (Vf - Vi) / t
  29. formula for force
    • f= ma
    • a= f / m
  30. states that any net force acting on an object causes the object to accelerate in the direction of the net force
    newton's second law of motion
  31. describes action-reaction pairs - to every action force there is an equal an oppostie reaction force
    newton's third law of motion
  32. an object moving at a constant velocity keeps moving at that velocity unless a net force acts on it
    newton' s first law of motion
  33. what is the difference between distance and displacement
    distance is how far something has traveled and displacemant is how far it is from its starting point
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sam science
science comp review 1st trimester