Main Idea Part 2

  1. One of the shortest human beings ever to have lived was a girl named Lucia Zarata. At age 17, Lucia measured one foot, eight inches tall. She weighed only a little over four pounds. That is smaller than most babies when they are born.

    The main idea is...

    a.) The shortest man in history
    b.) a very short girl
    c.) how much babies weigh
    CORRECT: b.) a very short girl
  2. The color of a room can affect the way you feel. Blue or gray ma make you feel sad. Yellow and white are cheery colors. Peach is the best color of all, though. This color makes you feel relaxed and comfortable.

    The main idea is...

    a.) how colors affect our feelings
    b.) having a feel for colors
    c.) the best color for feeling cheery.
    CORRECT: a.) how colors affect our feelings
  3. Martha knows every elephant joke on this whole earth! This is the newest one she told me yesterday: "Why did the elephant stand on the marshmallow?" Naturally, I didn't know. "Because he didn't want to fall in the hot chocolate," Martha chuckled. I think Martha made that one up all by herself.

    The main idea is...

    a.) a girl who likes elephants
    b.) a girl who tells elephant jokes
    c.) elephants that tell jokes
    CORRECT: b.) a girl who tells elephant jokes
  4. Once a man lost the tip of his nose in a fight. He had a new tip made out of gold. The man polished his nose all the time. It really shined! He was very proud of it. He did have trouble blowing his gold nose, though.

    The main idea is...

    a.) having a fight
    b.) how to make a gold nose
    c.) a new nose
    CORRECT: c.) a new nose
  5. Why wasn't the New World named after Christopher Columbus? Until the day he died, Columbus insisted that he had discovered an unexplored area of Asia. If Columbus had known his geography better, we might be called Columbians and not Americans today.

    The main idea is...

    a.) the naming of the new world
    b.) who really discovered America
    c.) exploring land in Asia
    CORRECT: a.) the naming of the new world
  6. The Amazon river in South America is the biggest river in the world. It is not a very friendly river. The water is full of snakes, alligators, and many deadly kinds of fish. You probably wouldn't want to swim in the Amazon.

    The main idea is...

    a.) the biggest river
    b.) river of no return
    c.) swimming with snakes
    CORRECT: a.) the biggest river
  7. One day I met someone at a party. I couldn't think of a single thing to say to her. Suddenly, I remembered something fascinating. "Do you know what kind of transportation is most widely used in the United States?" I asked. "It's not the car. It's the elevator! Elevators travel more than 1.5 billion miles a year." All she said was "oh" and walked away.

    The main idea is...

    a.) the fastest car in the United States
    b.) making conversation
    c.) telling stories in an elevator
    CORRECT: b.) making conversation
  8. This is something that will bring you good luck: put a corn cob behind your ear. Be sure to eat the corn first, though.

    The main idea is...

    a.) wishing for corn
    b.) a good luck charm
    c.) how corn grows
    CORRECT: b.) a good luck charm
  9. The cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. This cat can sprint up to 70 miles an hour! Imagine a cheetah running alongside your car while you are driving down the highway! Both of you would get a ticket for going over the speed limit.

    The main idea is...

    a.) running 70 miles per hour
    b.) the fastest animal
    c.) speeding on the highway
    CORRECT: b.) the fastest animal
  10. Not long ago, there lived a man who never slept a day in his life. Doctors watched him day and night for months. He never took so much as a cat nap! Only once did this man sleep- on the day he died at age 94!

    The main idea is...

    a.) sleeping for 94 years
    b.) how to live without sleep
    c.) a man who never slept
    CORRECT: c.) a man who never slept
Card Set
Main Idea Part 2
Created by Ms. Stack