Group 5 Lit Terms

  1. Periodic Sentence
    • presents central meaning in a main clause at end
    • independent clause preceded by a phrase or clause that cant stand alone
    • effect is to add emphasis and structural variety
  2. Personification
    • figure of speech
    • author presents/describes concepts, animals, or inanimate objects by giving them human attributes/emotions
    • used to make abstractions, animals, or objects appear more vivid to the reader
  3. Pont of View
    perspective from which a story is told
  4. First-Person Narrator
    • tells story with the first-person pronoun "I"-is a character in the story
    • this narrator can be the protagonist, a participant, or an observer
  5. Third-Person Narrator
    relates the events with the third-person pronouns: "he", "she", and "it"

    Omniscient: presents the thoughts and actions of any or all characters; can reveal what each character feels and thinks at any given moment

    Limited Omniscient: presents feelings and thoughts of only one character, and only the actions of all remaining characters
  6. Predicate Adjectives
    • one type of subject compliment- an adjective, group of adjectives, or adjective clause that follows a linking verb
    • in the predicate of the sentence
    • modifies/describes the subject
    • "my boyfriend is tall, dark, and handsome"
  7. Predicate Nominative
    • second type of subject complement- a noun, group of nouns, or noun clause that renames the subject
    • follows a linking verb
    • located in the predicate of the sentence
    • "Abe Lincoln was a man of integrity"
  8. Prose
    • major divisions of genre
    • refers to fiction and nonfiction, including all its forms because they are written in ordinary language and most closely resemble everyday speech
    • anything that is not drama or poetry is prose
    • prose writers often borrow poetic and dramatic elements
  9. Repetition
    • duplication of either exact or approximate of any language, such as a sound, word, phrase, clause, sentence, or grammatical pattern
    • when poorly done it sounds boring
    • when done right it links and emphasizes ideas while allowing the reader the comfort of recognizing something familiar
  10. Rhetoric
    • from greek "orator"
    • principles governing the art of writing effectively, eloquently, and persuasively
  11. Rhetorical Appeal
    persuasive device by which a writer tries to sway the audience's attention and response to any given work
  12. Logos
    • logical reasoning
    • combining logical ideas with well thought out and appropriate examples and details
    • supports are logically presented and rationally reach the writer's conclusion
  13. Ethos
    • establishes creditability in the speaker
    • "ethos"-common attitudes, beliefs, and characteristics of a group or time period
    • sets up believability in the writer
    • can be trusted and is concerned with the reader's best interests
  14. Pathos
    emotions and interests
  15. Rhetorical Modes
    • flexible term
    • describes the variety, the conversations, and the purposes of the major kinds of writing
    • sometimes referred to as modes of discourse
  16. Exposition
    • expository writing
    • explain and analyze information by presenting an idea, relevant evidence, and appropriate discussion
  17. Argumentation
    • to prove the validity of an idea, or point of view by presenting sound reasoning, thoughtful discussion, and insightful argument that thoroughly convinces the reader
    • type of argumentation having the additional aim of forming some form of action
  18. Description
    • to recreate, invent, or visually present a person, place, event, or action so that the reader can picture that being described
    • author engages all 5 senses in description
    • good descriptive writing can be sensuous and picturesque
    • may be straightforward and objective or highly emotional and subjective
  19. Narration
    • to tell a story or narrate an event or series of events
    • uses the tools of descriptive writing
  20. Rhetorical Question
    • asked for effect and does not expect a reply
    • answer is assumed
Card Set
Group 5 Lit Terms
Lit Terms