Male reproductive system

  1. Perineum
    perineum in male is an area between the thighs shaped roughly lke a diamond. It extends from the pubic symphysis anteriorly to the coccyx posteriorly.
  2. What are the 2 function that the testes serve?
    • 1.Spermatogenesis which is the creation of new sperm.
    • 2. Serves as an endocrine gland producing hosmones that are distrubuted throughout the body.
  3. What are seminiferous tubules?
    Where sperm is created.
  4. What is spermatagonia analogous to?
    The female egg.
  5. Spermatogonia has how many chromosomes?
    46 chromosomes.
  6. Spermatids have how many chromosomes?
    23 chromosomes
  7. Spermatozoa has how many chromosomes?
    23 chromosomes.
  8. What is the epidymis
    a large elongated convoluted tubule.
  9. When does capasitation begin?
    Capasitation begins when the sperm has been introduced into the vagina of the female.
  10. How long is the sperm stored in the epididymis?
    1-3 weeks.
  11. what specific purpose does the seminal vesicle have in relation to sperm.
    • -it produces 60% of semen volume.
    • -it is an alkaline, viscous, creamy-yellow substance.
    • it is used to prepare the urethra for the sperm to pass through without harm.
  12. What percentage does the prostate contribute to the ejaculate?
    30% it is a watery, milky-looking and slightly acidic fluid.
  13. What is the function of the bulbourethral gland?
    1. serves as a lubricant for the urethra, it makes it so the sperm is not damage by friction damage during ejaculation.
  14. what is the percentage that the bulbourethral gland contributes to the ejaculate or seminal fluid volume?
    • less than 5%.
    • - it secretes and alkaline fluid that is important for counteracting the acid present in the male urethra and the female vagina.
  15. What is the purpose of the cremaster muscle in the scrotum?
    its purpose is to control temperature for the testes.
  16. Describe the path the sperm must follow to enter the body?
    • 1. testes.
    • 2. epididymis.
    • 3. vas deferens.
    • 4.ejaculatory duct.
    • 5. prostate.
    • 6. urethra by way of the penis.
  17. The testes and epididymis contribute what percentage in seminal fluid volume?
  18. What hormone triggers sperm production?
  19. [Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)]
    1. what is it?
    2. what is its sourse?
    3. What is its action?
    • 1. it is a hormone
    • 2. Adrenal gland, testis, vary, other tissues.
    • 3. evantually converted to estrogens, testosterone, or both.
  20. Estrogen
    1. what is it?
    2. what is its sourse?
    3. What is its action?
    • 1. Hormone
    • 2. Testis (interstitial cells), liver, other tissues.
    • 3. role of estrogen in men is still uncertain: may play role in spermatogenesis, inhibition of gonadotropins, male sexual behavior and partner preference.
  21. Follicle-stimulatin hormone (FSH).
    1. what is it?
    2. what is its sourse?
    3. What is its action?
    • 1. hormone
    • 2. Anterior pituitary (gonadotroph cells)
    • 3. gonadotropin; promotes development of testes stimulates spermatogenesis.
  22. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
    1. what is it?
    2. what is its sourse?
    3. What is its action?
    • 1. Hormone
    • 2. hypothalamus (neuroendocrine cells)
    • 3. stimulates production and release of gonadotropins (FSH and LH) from anterior pituitary.
  23. Inhibin
    1. what is it?
    2. what is its sourse?
    3. What is its action?
    • 1. Hormone
    • 2. Testis (interstitial cells)
    • 3. inhibits FSH production in the anterior pituitary.
  24. Luteinizing hormone (LH)
    1. what is it?
    2. what is its sourse?
    3. What is its action?
    • 1. hormone
    • 2. anterior pituitary (gonadotroph cells)
    • 3. Gonadotropin; stimulates production of testosterone by interstitial cells of testis.
  25. Testosterone
    1. what is it?
    2. what is its sourse?
    3. What is its action?
    • 1. horomone
    • 2. Testis interstitial cells
    • 3. Stimulates spermatogenesis, stimulates development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, promotes growth of muscle and bone (anabolic effect)
Card Set
Male reproductive system
Male reproductive system