380 Unit 7

  1. Herpesviridae
    • dsDNA
    • enveloped viron
  2. Members of the Herpesviridae family
    • Herpes simplex virus type 1
    • herpes simplex virus type 2
    • Varicella-Zoster (VZV)
    • Epstein Barr (EBV)
    • cytomegalovirus_CMV)
    • HHV6
    • HHV7
    • HHV8
  3. HSV type 1
    • oral herpes
    • gingivostomatis in children and young adults, recurrent oral-labial infection (cold sores) infectino of the cornea (keratitis) herpes encelphalitis
  4. HSV type 2
    • genital herpes
    • neonatal herpes
  5. Pathogenesis of HSV 1 and 2
    • transmission- direct contact with lesion fluids
    • lifelong infection
    • asymtomatic shedding (carrier of disease but show no symptoms)
  6. Clinical manifestion of HSV
    • oral herpes
    • genital herpes
    • keratitis
    • herpetic whitlow
  7. Diagnosis of HSV
    • DFA
    • NAATs
    • viral isolation (ELVIS) - emzyme linked virus induced system (cell culture test ready in one day)
  8. Varicella Zoster Virus
    smallest genome among herpes virus
  9. VZV transmission
    respiratory droplets
  10. VZV clinical manifestion
    • chicken pox (varicella) once in one lifetime due to immunity
    • shingles (zoser) secondary infection from reactivation ; over-reactive CMI response
  11. VZV vaccine
    • 1995 varivax
    • 2006 zostavox
    • varicella zoster immunoglobulin available
  12. Cytomegalovirus
    largest, enveloped, dsDNA
  13. CMV transmission
    sex,oral, secretions, blood, congenital
  14. CMV clinical manifestation
    • congenital infection
    • primary infection (sore throat, fever, chills) asymptomatic
    • latent infection - genetic info present but unexpressed in host cell
    • transfusion acquired
  15. CMV clinical manifestation for transfustion acquired
    unexposed recipient is transfused with blood from actively or latently infected donor
  16. CMV clinical manifestation for transfustion acquired
    when seropos recipient is transfused with seroneg/pos unit is triggering an allograft rxns by donor leukocytes
  17. CMV clinical manifestation for transfustion acquired
    with different strains of CMV
  18. Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
    relation to WBCs ---> lymphotropic
  19. EBV transmission
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380 Unit 7