Music 100 quiz 5

  1. Claude Debussy “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun”
    • The openign has 2 harp glissandos
    • It is a series of varied repetitions.
    • It features woodwind instruments.
    • It shows Debussy's interest in orchestral color.
    • The coda of this work Dies away into silence
    • The mood of this work is Emotionally restrained
    • modified ternary form "AABA" coda
    • irregular meter
    • orchestra: 3 flutes, 2 oboes
  2. Igor Stravinsky “The Rite of Spring”
    • Sounds atmospheric
    • Suggests nature sounds
    • Features woodwind instruments
    • There are sudden changes in dynamics.
    • There are sudden changes in musical ideas.
    • There is frequent use of repetition.
    • Is a whirlwind of orchestral sounds
    • Primitivism
  3. Arnold Schoenberg “Der Mondfleck” no. 18 from “Pierrot
    • This work is an example of Atonal music
    • In this work, the soprano voice is the narrator
    • The text is presented in a manner that Employs Sprechstimme (speech song)
    • As the text repeats The melody does not repeat
    • The image of flickering light is created by The fast tempo, The text, Melodies sung and played, jumping around
  4. Anton Webern “Five Pieces for Orchestra, op. 10, III”
    • This orchestral work features One of each instrument used
    • Slow pulsating tones Begin and end the movement
    • The meter Varies in the middle section
    • Which instruments are muted? French horn, Trombone, Viola and cello
  5. Henry Cowell, “The Banshee
    • Why are two musicians needed to play this solo piano work? One plays inside the piano, the other operates the damper pedal
    • In this work, piano strings are Swept, Strummed, and Plucked
    • The damper pedal is depressed To allow all the strings to vibrate
    • Light strumming of the strings is reminiscent of The Aeolian harp
    • The title of this work refers to Ghosts
  6. John Cage “Sonata V” from “Sonatas and Interludes”
    • This piece is in Binary form
    • The instrument used to perform this piece is a Piano
    • The instrument used was "prepared" to create the different sounds.
    • The melody is accompanied by sounds similar to Percussion instruments
    • The melody has rhythmic contrast in Sections A and B
  7. Innovations
    • tone clusters
    • strumming piano strings
    • Sprechstimme (for voice)
    • Prepared piano
    • Stretching the normal range of standard instruments
    • What is an Aeolian Harp?
    • What is Gamelan music?
  8. Symbolism Movement
    • spiritually, imagination, dream
    • symbolist poems sought to evoke rather than describe
  9. Impressionistic Music
    • rejects heavy/serious german romantics
    • vague rhythms/fluidity
    • melodies come in & out
    • senuous thone colors
    • influences from asia/middle east via 1889 world exhibition in Paris
    • non western instruments harmonies/melodies/rhythms
    • debussy & ravel in france
  10. Primitivism
  11. Neo-Classicism
  12. Expressionism
  13. Serialism
  14. Whole tone scale
  15. Atonality
  16. Changing Meter
  17. Polyrhythm
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Music 100 quiz 5
Classical Music