
  1. Name the graphemes and phonemes:

    • g- 3
    • p- 3
  2. Phonemic awareness skills, give 3
    • rhyming
    • identifying syllable structure (synthesis)
    • segmentation
  3. What area of language is the most important in spelling?
  4. When you conclude that a child does not understand homonyms, you need to access their.....?
  5. When a child acquires the ability to decode sentences into individual words and words into syllables, they have acquired an ability in the area of............
  6. When a child is unable to use cohesive ties to blend their thoughts, the most logical difficulty to access would be their.......?
  7. When a child is having difficulty with rhyming, they have a weakness in.....?
  8. The ability to recount an event or experience is an example of a ............. type of writing.
  9. A research paper is an example of an............. writing.
  10. Name 3 of the components that are essential in a story grammar.
    • setting
    • initiating event
    • internal response
  11. Literacy.....
    read and write
  12. Reading failure=
    lack of phonemic awareness
  13. Emergent Literacy.....
    leads to later developing reading/writing skills.
  14. Phonics
    "sounding out" words
  15. phoneme
    smallest spoken language
  16. grapheme
    smallest written language
  17. SLP's role
    • identify literacy problems
    • explain why
    • assess for deficits
    • treat delays
  18. dyslexia
    • specific reading disability
    • genetically based
    • "unexpected" because all other areas are normal
    • higher language, poor reading
  19. Language-based learning disability
    • deficits in all language
    • poor in oral language and reading tests
  20. hyperlexia
    read words above cognitive language level, do not comprehend what they read
  21. oral language deficits are at risk for
    written language deficits
  22. pre-k to k
    • phonemic awareness
    • naming
    • print awareness
  23. Assessment of reading
    • phonological awareness
    • word fluency
    • narrative schema knowledge
  24. Word Fluency
    based on speed
  25. story grammar elements
    • setting
    • initiating event
    • internal response
    • attempt
    • consequence
    • reaction
  26. Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) develops slower than......
    Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS).
  27. disfluencies
    • disruptions in fluid speech
    • should not handicap, impair
  28. grandfathers of SLP
    • charles van riper
    • wendell johnson
  29. more common in...
  30. neurophysilogy
    revealing that language may be processed in different areas of the brain
  31. speech sampling
    • oral reading
    • dialogue
    • monologue
  32. accessory behaviors
    develop in response to or in anticipation stuttering
  33. motor behaviors
    visible display of tension (eye blinks)
  34. primary avoidance
    alter verbal output
  35. secondary avoidance
    reducing or causing verbal output
  36. cluttering can co-exist
  37. neurogenic
    may be called "acquired"
  38. assesses voice and resonace
    eyes and ears
  39. most common referral in kids
    hoarseness due to nodules
  40. dysphonia
    vocal characteristics that are present, but deviant in some way
  41. aphonia
    absence of voice
  42. hoarseness
    combo of harshness and breathiness
  43. tense
    result of phonation produced with excessive adduction and medial compression of the folds
  44. harshness
    unpleasant, strident or rough voice due to irregular vocal fold vibrations
  45. hypernasality
    air is entering the nasal cavity and being resonated when it should not be
  46. hyponasality
    air is not entering the nasal cavity to be resonated when it should be
  47. fundamental frequency
    habitual pitch
  48. s/z ratio
    assess respiratory/phonatory effiency
  49. hypernaslity
    hold mirror
  50. hyponaslity
    repeat phrases containing nasal sounds
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