Zoology After Midterm Lecture 19

  1. Bivalves
  2. What are four types of feedng in bivalves
    • Filter/ suspension feeding
    • Deposit Feeding
    • Carniverous Feeding
    • Parasitic Feeding
  3. What is it that makes bivalves the most effective filter feeders
    their ctendia
  4. What are protobranchs? lamlibranchs?
    Protobranchs - protobranchs are a sublcass of bivalves by the looks of things. i assume the same is true fo lamlibranchs.
  5. What are septibranchs known for
    their carniverous feedings
  6. Who does parasitic feeding
    clams of the genus entovavla in the sea cucumber gut
  7. What are 7 types of bivalve ecotypes
    • 1. Active shallow burrowers
    • 2. Active deep burrows
    • 3. Sedentary deep burrowers
    • 4. Fast moving burrowers
    • 5. Hard sediment burrowers
    • 6. Attached to hard substrates
    • 7. Swimmers
  8. How long would you expect the siphons of shallow borrowers to be
    shallow burrowers have short siphons
  9. How are Active deep burrowers active?
    Like tellenia they have long sepearte motile siphons used to vacuum up some food.
  10. What siphon would you expect of sedentary deep burrowers
    Fused long siphons
  11. What is meant by fast moving active burrowers. What is special about their anchor
    • i assume that thier siphons move out quickly or around quickly.
    • They have a mushroom shaped anchor
  12. What enables a hard sediment burrower to burrow into wood and hard sediments
    A combination of Mechanical and chemical means
  13. What enables a bivalve to attach to hard surfaces?
    Byssus threads or cements
  14. What enables swimmers to swim
    Jetting by flapping valves
  15. What are three molluscan resources
    • Food
    • Fish bait
    • Chemicals
  16. What chemicals do we find of molluscs
    • Calcium Carbonate
    • Colour dyes
    • pharmaceuticals
  17. What are some adverse effects of molluscs
    • Vectors of parasitic disease
    • Pests in agriculture and aquaculture
    • Marine fouling
  18. What is marine fouling
    refers to the adhesion of bivalves to ships and other important marine structures. big economic coster
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Zoology After Midterm Lecture 19
Lecture 19 After Midterm