Chapter 10

  1. Self-conscious emotions
    high order set of feelings including shame, embarrasment, guilt, envy, and pride.
  2. Emotional self-regulation
    strategies we use to adjust the intensity or duration of our emotional reactions to a comfortable level so we can accomplilsh our goals.

    requires voluntary effortful control
  3. Social referencing
    Relying on another person's emotional reaction to appraise an uncertain situation
    The ability to dtect different emotions , to take another's emotional perspective and feel with that person or respond in a emotionally similar way
  5. prosocial or altruistic behavior
    actions that benefit another person without any expected reward for the self
  6. sympathy
    feelings of concern or sorrow for another's plight
  7. Temperament
    early-appearing , stable individual differences in reactivity and self regulaton
  8. Reactivity
    variations in quickness anad intensity of emotional arousal, attention, and motor action
  9. self-regulation
    strategies that modify reactivity
  10. Easy chilld
    Form of temperament in which the child quickly establishes regular routines in infancy , is generally cheerful, and adapts easily to new experiences
  11. Difficult child
    temperament style in which a child has irregulary daily routines , is slow to accept new experiences , and tends to react negatively and intensely.
  12. Slow to warm up child
    Temperament style in which the child is inactive , shows mild, low-key reactions to environmental stimuli ; is negative in mood; and adjusts slowly to new experiences
  13. Effortful control
    the self regulatory dimension of temperment, involves voluntarily suppressing a dominant respionse in order to plan and execute a more adaptive response
  14. Internal working model
    set of expectations about the availabilty of attachment figures , their likelihood of providing support duirng times oof stress and the self's interaction with those figures
  15. Describe Ainsworth's strange situation
  16. Secure Attachment
    infants use parents as a secure base . may or may not cry when seperated and prefer her to a stranger. actively seek contact on parent's return and crying stops immediately
  17. Avoidant Attachment
    infants seem unresonsive to the parent when she is parent and not distressed when she leaves. React to stanger in same way as parent. fail to cling when picked up
  18. describe the different attachement styles
  19. Resistant Attachment
    before seperation, infants seek closeness to the parent and often fail to explore. when parents leave they are distressed and upon return combine clinginess with angry resistive behavior.not easily comforted
  20. Disorganized/disoriented attachment
    the greatest insecurity. confused contradictory behaviors . dazed facial experession, and a few cry out unexpectedly.
  21. ,
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Chapter 10