DOC Pharm I.txt

  1. Bethanacol is the preferred drug for:
    post-op non obstructive urinary retention
  2. Pilocarpine is the preferred drug for:
    open angle glaucoma
  3. Physostigmine is the preferred drug for:
    atropine toxicity, Datura spp. (Jimsonweed) poisoning
  4. Neostigmine is the preferred drug for:
    antagonize NON-depolarizing neuromuscular blockers
  5. Edrophonium is the preferred drug for:
    DIAGNOSE m. gravis
  6. Pyridostigmine is the preferred drug for:
    TREAT m. gravis
  7. Atropine is the preferred drug for:
    • sinus bradycardia
    • incomplete AV block
    • Organophosphate toxicity
  8. Epinephrine is the preferred drug for:
    • complete AV block
    • ANAPHYLACTIC shock
  9. Phenoxybenzamine is the preferred drug for:
    • Pheochromocytomas
    • Emergency hypertension
  10. Phenylephrine is the preferred drug for:
    Eye exams
  11. Propanolol is the preferred drug for:
    tachyarrhythmias in cats
  12. Apomorphine is the preferred drug for:
    emetic in dogs
  13. Loperamide is the preferred drug for:
  14. Opiods is the preferred drug for:
    symptomatic treatment of diarrhea
  15. Phenobarbital is the preferred drug for:
    PREVENT epileptic seizures
  16. Diazepam is the preferred drug for:
    TREAT in status seizures (acute status epileptics)
  17. Dantrolene is the preferred drug for:
    malignant hyperthermia
  18. Strychnine is an antidote for:
    Barbiturates and xylazine
  19. Atropine is an antidote for:
  20. Benzodiazepine is an antidote for:
  21. Medetomadine is an antidote for:
  22. Neostigmine is an antidote for:
    NON-depolarizing NM Blockers
  23. Xylazine is an antidote for:
  24. Ketamine is an antidote for:
    4-AP and Yohimbine
  25. Carfentanil is an antidote for:
    Diprenorphine or Naltrexone
  26. Opiods are an antidote for:
    Naloxone (but not for tramadol, carfentenil, or buprenorphine)
  27. Buprenorphine is an antidote for:
    doxapram (for resp. depression ONLY)
  28. Fentanyl dysphoria is an antidote for:
  29. Organophosphate toxicity is an antidote for:
    Atropine, 2-PAM, and Diphenhydramine (IN THIS ORDER!)
  30. NSAIDs are an antidote for:
  31. Droperidol and Dropiderol/Fentanyl are antidotes for:
    4-AP and Naloxene
  32. KBr is an antidote for:
    Normal saline for acute toxicity
  33. Nitrendipine is an antidote for:
    Cocaine (cardiotoxic effects ONLY)
  34. Prazosin is an antidote for:
  35. Methylxanthine derivatives act on what specific receptors?
    ANTAGONIZE adenosine receptors
  36. Strychnine works on what specific receptors?
    ANTAGONIZE glycine receptors
  37. Phenothiazines and Butyrophenones work on what specific receptors?
    Block central D1 ad D2
  38. Benzodiazepines work on what specific receptors?
    GABA receptor agonists
  39. Butorphenol works on what receptors specifically?
    Opiod KAPPA agonist
  40. Methadone works specifically on what receptors?
    non-competitive ANTAGONIST to NMDA receptors
  41. Buprenorphine works specifically on what receptors?
    opiod Mu agonist
  42. Barbiturates work specifically on what receptors?
    GABA agonists
  43. Ketamine and Tiletamine work on what specific receptors?
    Non-competitive NMDA ANTAGONISTS
Card Set
DOC Pharm I.txt
Pharm I DOC etc.