Slavery Terms

  1. "Southern Belle"
    A beautiful and charming woman from the southern United States.
  2. yeoman
    A free man holding a small landed estate, a minor landowner, a small prosperous farmer, a deputy, assistant, journeyman, or a loyal or faithful servant.
  3. Southern paternalism
  4. Mississippi Married Women's Property Act of 1839
  5. "Peculiar Institution"
    • A euphemism for slavery and the economic ramifications of it in the American South.
    • The meaning of "peculiar" in this expression is "one's own", that is, referring to something distinctive to or characteristic of a particular place or people.
  6. George Fitzhugh
    • Social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories in the antebellum era. He argued that "the Negro is but a grown up child" who needs the economic and social protections of slavery. He was anti-capitalistic, as well.
    • Slavery, he contended, ensured that blacks would be economically secure and morally civilized.
  7. "Sambo" image
    Racial term for a person with mixed Amerindian and African heritage and can also be used less specifically for a black person in the United States.
  8. William Harper
    • Political theorist from South Carolina.
    • Early and important representative of pro-slavery thought.
  9. Manumission
    Act of freeing a slave, done at the will of the owner.
  10. Gabriel Prosser
    Skilled and literate enslaved blacksmith who planned and led a large a slave rebellion in the Richmond area in the summer of 1800.
  11. Denmark Vesey
    • African-American leader. After many years as a slave he won $1,500 in a lottery and purchased his freedom. He acquired considerable wealth and influence in South Carolina. Using church meetings as a cover, he supposedly planned (1822) a slave insurrection with the intention of taking over Charleston, killing whites, and, if necessary, fleeing to Haiti. hanged along with 34 slaves.
    • Some historians now doubt that Vesey's conspiracy ever occurred.
  12. Nat Turner
    • American slave.
    • Leader of the Southampton Insurrection
  13. African Methodist Episcopal Church
    • African American Methodist denomination formally organized in 1816.
    • It originated with a group of black Philadelphians who withdrew in 1787 from St. George's Methodist Episcopal Church because of racial discrimination and built Bethel African Methodist Church.
  14. Hinton Rowan Helper
    • American writer.
    • Helper condemned slavery not on humanitarian or moral grounds, but because it was an economic threat to the poor whites of the South.
  15. The Impending Crisis
  16. American Colonization Society
    • Organized Dec., 1816-Jan., 1817, at Washington, D.C., to transport free blacks from the United States and settle them in Africa.
    • Created a serious problem in that no sound provisions were made for establishing them in society on an equal basis with white Americans anywhere in the United States.
  17. David Walker
    • American black abolitionist
    • Most famous for his pamphlet Walker's Appeal, which called for black pride, demanded the immediate and universal emancipation of the slaves, and defended violent rebellion as a means for the slaves to gain their freedom.
  18. William Lloyd Garrison
    • American Abolitionist.
    • Wrote The Liberator and Founded the American Anti-Slavery Society.
  19. The Liberator
    Essay that contained Garrison's uncompromising stand for immediate and complete abolition of slavery.
  20. American Anti-Slavery Society
    • Founded by Garrison.
    • Played big part in the Abolitionist Movement.
  21. Frederick Douglass
    • Abolitionist.
    • Successfully escaped slavery.
  22. Harriet Tubman
    • American abolitionist who was born into slavery.
    • She escaped to Phildelphia in 1849, and subsequently became one of the most successful "conductors" on the Underground Railroad.
  23. Underground Railroad
    • Loosely organized system for helping fugitive slaves escape to Canada or to areas of safety in free states.
    • It was run by local groups of Northern abolitionists, both white and free blacks.
  24. Uncle Tom's Cabin
  25. Liberty Party
    • Antislavery political organization founded in 1840.
    • Formed by abolitionists under the leadership of James G. Birney and Gerrit Smith, who repudiated William Lloyd Garrison's nonpolitical stand.
  26. James G. Birney
    • Abolitionist, politician and jurist born in Danville, Kentucky.
    • From 1816 to 1818, he served in the Kentucky House of Representatives. In 1836, he started his abolitionist weekly publication in Cincinnati, Ohio titled The Philanthropist.
  27. "personal liberty" laws
    Series of laws passed by several U.S. states in the North in response to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 and 1850.
  28. "Free Soil" movement
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Slavery Terms
Slavery Terms