Unit Test 3

  1. Memory is the process of?
    Encoding, Storing and retrieving information
  2. Each memory process stage differs on which basis?
    Capacity & Duration
  3. The amount of information that can be retained is known as?
  4. The length of time which it can be retained is known as?
    Sensory, short term and long term memory
  6. What is the capacity and duration of Sensory Memory?
    • Great deal of Info
    • Seconds
  7. Capacity and Duration of Short term memory?
    • Limited Capacity
    • 30 seconds
  8. Capacity and duration of Long Term Memory
    • Unlimited
    • Life time
  9. capacity and duration of the practical viewpoint of immediate recall?
    • Miller's 7+/-2
    • Seconds
  10. Capacity and duration of the practical view point of short term recall?
    • Shortlist or Paragraph
    • Min to Hrs
  11. capacity and duration of the practical view point of Long term recall
    • unlimited
    • lifetime
  12. Methods of Facilitating memory?
    • Maintenance rehersal
    • Elaborative rehersal
    • Chunking
  13. What is maintenance rehersal?
    repeating the information over and over
  14. What is elaborative rehearsal?
    an encoding strategy based on the meaning of the material
  15. What are methods of elaboratove rehearsal?
    Forming connections between the information on STH and the info in LTM

    Use of Mnemonic- story or acronyms

    Visual Imagery


    Self Reference- personalize the story or image
  16. When given a series of letters such as VCRFBICIAUSSR, and commit them to memory as VCR FBI CIA USSR. This technique is considered?
  17. What is primacy a part of and what does it mean?
    • Means a person is likely to remember the first item on a list
    • Part of the Serial Position Effect
  18. What are the types of memory, and what do they mean?
    Episodic: Autobiographical

    Sematic: Words

    Procedural: Operations
  19. What does short term memory include?
    Central Executive

    Phonological Loop

    Visuospatial Sketch Pad
  20. What does the central executive of short term memory responsible for?
    Directs attention to different parts fo the problem
  21. What is the Phonological Loop of Short Term Memory responsible for?
    processes phonetic or sound qualities of the memory
  22. What is the Visuospatial sketch pad in Short term Memory responsible for?
    visual aspects of the information
  23. The idea that it is easiest to remember information in the same setting in which we learned it pertains to?
    The context Effect
  24. Remembering information consistent with out mood is known as?
    Mood Congruence
  25. what forgetting aspect is related to immediate reacall?
  26. What forgetting aspects is related the Short term memory?
    Proactive Interference and Retroactive Interference
  27. Proactive Inteference means?
    older memories inhibit the recall of newer memories
  28. Retroactive Interference Mean?
    New information inhibits the retrival of old information
  29. What aspect of forgetting is LTM associated with?

    Tip of the tounge
  30. True or False

    Mass Practice (Cramming) is less effective than the same amount of time distributedover many practice sessions?
  31. Ebbinghause
    Forgetting Curve
  32. What factors are we dependant on to forget?
    How deeply we process things

    How often it is rehearsed
  33. How much newly learned material is retained after 20 min?
  34. who is affiliated with eyewtiness testimony?
    Elizabeth Loftus
  35. Can memories be altered by the way a questioned is asked?
  36. Who searched for the engram (memory trace), and what is involved with it?
    Karl Lashley

    specific changes in the brain are associated with each memory, so engram should me localized
  37. Memory for a complex behaviors is dictrubuted throught out the brain
    Karl Lashley
  38. discovered localization for classically conditioned learning, and very simeple memories are localized to a single area... The Cerebellum
    Richard Thompsom
  39. Examined the neuron and its role in memory traces
    used Aplysia (snail with large neurons)
    Discovered changes in neurons: more dendrites, more synapses.
    A cell circuit is formed firing one cell in a circuit results in all cells firing, memory occurs
    Eric Kendel
  40. Memory loss resulting from brain damage
  41. Retrgrade Amnesia
    Backwards acting

    Not being able to recall LTM

    Ex: Can't remember events before a head injury
  42. Anterograde Amnesia
    Foward acting

    Cant store new memories in LTM

    Ex: Cant store new memories after the head inury
  43. Considered to not be true amnesia, caused by psychological factors not brain injury, results in identity
  44. Frontal cortes right hemisphere
    sequnces of behavior
  45. Frontal cortex left hemisphere
    verbal memory
  46. temporal Lobe
    long term storage
  47. Amygdala
    how we feel about things
  48. Cerebellum
    classicall conditioned learning
  49. Hippocampus
    transfer memory from short term to long term
  50. Intelligence
    Global capacity to think rationally, act purposely, cope effectively with the enviroment
  51. Created the useful test of intelligence, and the basis for all subsequent IQ test
    Alfred Binet
  52. questions on a test range from easy to hard
  53. Age equivalent of a given child based on his success on the scale
    Mental Age
  54. Used for placement
    Mental Age
  55. translated and adapted binet's scale creating the stanford binet intelligence test
    Lewis Terman
  56. Stanford Binet Intelligence Test
    Standard in the field against which all other IQ test are compared
  57. Average
  58. Above Average
  59. Below Average
  60. The two factor theory: General Intellidence and Specific Mental Abilities
    Charles Spearman
  61. Lewis Thrustone
    • Propose 7 primary Mental Abilites
    • Intelligence is not unitary
  62. 7 Primary Mental Abilities
    • Verbal Comprehension
    • Word Fluency
    • Number Facility
    • Spatial Visualization
    • Associative Memory
    • Perceptual Speed
    • Reasoning
  63. Multiple intelligence
    we posses different types of intelligence instead of an over all level

    Howard Gerdener
  64. Most commonly used test of intelligence
    Weshclers Scales of Intellidence
  65. A good IQ test
    • Standarization
    • Average
    • Standard Deviation
    • Bell Curve

    • Deviation IQ
    • deviation from the mean on the bell curve
  66. Test Statistics
    • Reliability
    • Split Half
    • Test Retest
    • Validility
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Unit Test 3
Chapter 6-8