Spanish QUIZ 5

  1. Luis salio por la ventana.
    Luis went out through the window.
  2. We we late because of the rain.
    Llegamos tarde por la llevia.
  3. We always travel by train.
    Siempre viajamos por tren.
  4. I will give you 50 dollars for that camera.
    Te doy 50 dolares por esa camara.
  5. She works in the morning.
    Ella trabajar por la manana.
  6. I will come by for you at seven.
    Voy a venir por ti a las siete.
  7. Tomorrow I am leaving for San Juan.
    Manana salgo para San Juan.
  8. I want the money for Saturday.
    Yo quiero el dinero para el sabado.
  9. I bought a table for my room.
    Compre` una mesa para mi cuarto.
  10. I need one thousand dollars in order to pay for the trip.
    Yo necesito mil dolares para pagar el viaje.
  11. My boyfriend is studying to be a doctor.
    Mi novio estudia para medico.
  12. My little brother runs slowly but i run quickly.
    Mi hermano carre lentamente, pero yo puedo carrer rapidamente.
  13. Unfortunately there is no time today in class.
    Desafortunademente no hay mas tiemp hay en esta clase.
  14. But, fortunately we will be back here on Monday.
    Pero, afortunadamente, nosotros vamos estar aqui otra vez el lunes.
  15. the Dominican family is seated at the table during Christmas dinner.
    Familia dominica sentada a la mesa durante la cena de navidad.
  16. Grandfather and Dominican grandson.
    Abuelo y nieto dominico.
  17. Three generations of Cubans.
    tres generaciones de cubanos.
  18. The mother washes her child.
    La madre lava a su nino.
  19. The mother washes herself.
    La madre se lava.
  20. To dress oneself.
  21. He is talking to himself alot!
    El se habla mucho!
  22. They are worried about this election.
    Ellos se preocupan mucho por esta eleccion.
  23. he is going to worry himself all day.
    El va a preocupar se todo el dia.
  24. I look at myslef in the photo.
    Yo me miro en esta foto.
  25. We have a quiz here in eight days.
    Nosotros tenenmos un interrogatorio aqui en ocho dias.
  26. To feel emotion.
  27. We feel happy.
    Nosotros nos sentimos contentas.
  28. They took off their shoes.
    Ellas se quitaron los zapatos.
  29. To remove
    To remove something from ones self
    • quitar
    • quitarse
  30. I am going to remove my hat.
    Yo voy a quitarme el sombrero.
  31. The animal lives in the forest.
    El animal vive en este bosque.
  32. The cow is my friend.
    La vaca es mi amigo.
  33. The bears are very huge animals.
    Los osos son animales muy grandotes.
  34. The turtles swim in a lake near my apartment.
    Los tortugas nadan en un lago circa de mi apartamento.
  35. I have a plate of a duck in my class.
    Yo tengo un plato de pato en mi clase.
  36. Mothers always worry about their children.
    Las madres siempre se preocupan por sus hijos.
  37. Education is very important.
    la educaion es muy importante.
  38. Mr. Vega is coming on Saturday at three o'clock in the afternoon.
    El senor Vega viene el sabado a las tres de la tarde.
  39. Mrs. Garcia is my neighbor.
    La Senora Garcia es mi vecina.
Card Set
Spanish QUIZ 5
QUIZ five study cards