la belle-mere
the mother-in-law
la bell-soeur
the sister-in-law
la fille ainee
the older sister
la fille cadette
the younger daughter
les domestiques
the domestic servants
la gouvernante
the governess
la femme de chambre
the maid
le/la coupable
the culprit, the guilty party
ke/la meurtrier(ere)
the murderer
une vieille fille
an old maid
un roman d'amour
a love story
un roman policier
a detective novel
une tempete de neige
a snow storm
des actions
shares, stock
un associe
a partner (in business)
le pavillon de chasse
a hunting lodge
assassiner qq'un
to murder s.o
tirer (un coup de feu, une balle)
to shoot
faire faillite
to go bankrupt
se suicider
to commtit suicide
recuillir qq'un chez soi
to recieve s.o in one's home
plaindre de qqch
to complain about sth
faire chanter qq'un
to blackmail s.o
taire qqch
to keep silent about sth
coucher avec qq'un
to sleep with s.o
soupconner qq'un de qqch
to suspect s.o of sth
faire qqch en cachette
to do sth secretly
jouer aux cartes
to play cards
mentir a qq'un
to lie to s.o
trahir qq'un
to betray s.o
voler qqch a qq'un
to steal sth from s.o
se disculper
to exonerate onself
devoted, dedicated