Personality & Social Psychology

  1. Freud's personality component based on the pleasure principle-do what feels good. (inflexible and unrealistic)
  2. Freud's personality component based on the reality principle-do what will get needs met effectively, efficiently, and without getting yourself hurt. (flexible and realistic)
  3. Freud's personality component based on the morality principle-do what's right, and don't do what's wrong. (inflexible and unrealistic)
  4. Act of exerting less effort when doing a task as part of a group than by oneself.
    Social loafing
  5. An individual performing better at a task when others are around.
    Social facilitation
  6. Developing a liking for someone you run across frequently.
    Mere exposure
  7. The shift toward more extreme attitudes when groups of people with similar views discuss an issue.
    Group polarization
  8. The tendency for people to conform to a large request after having already complied with a smaller request.
    Foot-in-the-door phenomenon
  9. An unpleasant state of tension caused when our behavior is inconsistent with our attitudes or values.
    Cognitive dissonance
  10. When people are organized into a group, even at randome, they tend to favor those within their own group.
    In-group bias
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Personality & Social Psychology
Intro Psychology on Personality and Social Psych