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what is the gingiva nearest to the incisal/occlusal surface?
gingival margin
what marks the opening of the sulcus?
gingival margin
_______ _______ covers the free gingiva from the gingival groove up over the gingival margin and is keratinized
oral epithelium
what type of gingiva is close around each tooth and attaches at the coronal protion of the junctional epithelium
free gingiva
what is tight to the tooth and the probe goes under it?
free gingiva
what is the junction of the free gingiva and the attached gingiva called?
free gingival groove
what is the approximate level of the free gingival groove?
bottom of the sulcus
the free gingival groove is visible in a _____ of teeth
what is located in the crevice between the free gingiva and the tooth?
gingival sulcus
where is the base of the gingival sulcus?
coronal margin of the attached tissues (bottom of the pocket)
what is the inner and outer boundries of the gingival sulcus?
inner-tooth surface
outer-sulcular epithelium
sulcular epithelium is continuous with ____ _____
oral epithelium
t/f sulcular epithelium is keratinized
when is there fluid in the gingival sulcus
when it is diseased (pus)
t/f the gingival sulcus has no fluid when health
what is the cuff like band of stratified squamous epithelium that is continuous with the sulcular epithelium and completely circles the tooth
junctional epithelium
what shape is the junctional epithelium in cross section?
is junctional epithelium keratinized or non keratinized?
junctional epithelium has _____ ______ layers
2 basement layers
where are the 2 basement layers of junctional epithelium located?
one adjacent to connective tissue
one adjacent to the tooth surface
junctional epithelium is __-__ cells thick where it joins the sulcular epithelium
junctional epithelium is __-__ cells thick at the apical end
the length of the junctional epithelium is ____-___ mm
as the junctional epithelium gets farther down the tooth it gets _____ and is more susceptible to _____
what happens to the junctional epithelium as eruption occurs, during eruption, full eruption and attachemtn migration?
as eruption occurs it attaches to the enamel
during eruption it migrates toward the CEJ
at full eruption it attaches on cementum
attachment migration along the root surface with wear of incisal surface and with periodontal infections
when does the junctional epithelium recede?
when you get disease you get attachment loss
if you get attachement loss of the junctional epithelium what happens?
disease gets into the PDL and into the bone and causes bone loss
what is the distance betweenthe base of attachment and crest of alveolar bone?
1.0-1.5 mm
the ____ is maintained in disease when the _____ move along the root surface and ____ ____ occurs
bone loss
what does the junctional epithelium provide at the base of the sulcus?
how is the attachment accomplished with the junctional epithleium
hemidesomoses and basal lamina of the junctional epithelium
what is attached gingiva continuous with?
oral epithelium of the free gingiva
is attached gingiva keratinized or non keratinzied
what is the maxillary palatal gingiva continuous with?
palatal mucosa
how is the attached gingiva attached?
firmly bound to underlying cementum and alveolar bone
what is the shape of the attached gingiva?
follows the depressions between the eminences of the roots of the teeth
what is the junction of the attached gingiva and the alveolar mucosa called?
mucogingival junction
how does the mucogingival junction appear on anterior and posterior?
anterior line is scalloped
posterior line fairly straight
what is the contrast seen at the mucogingival junction?
attached gingiva is pink keratized and stippled
and the alveolar mucosa is darker
where is the mucogingival junction located?
facial of all quadrants and lingual surface of mandibular arch (no maxillary arch)
do you have a mucogingival junction on the lingual of the maxillary arch
why don't you have a mucogingival junction on the ____ _____?
lingual maxillary
because the hard palate doesn't have alveolar mucosa
what type of tissue is movable tissue that is loosely attached to the underlying bone, it has a smooth, shiny surface.
alveolar mucosa
is alveolar mucosa keratinzed or nonkeratinized?
t/f the underlying vessels may be seen through alveolar mucosa
what is a narrow fold of mucous membrane that passes from a more fixed to a movable part?
what is the function of the frena/frenum
check undue movement
where are the frena/frenum located?
maxillary and mandibular anterior-lips
where is the interdental papilla located?
interproximal space
what is continuous with the free and attached gingiva (also know as an embrasure)?
interdental papilla
describe type 1 interdental papilla
healthy (knife edge)
gingival tissue fills the space
describe type 2 interdental papilla
blunted papilla or small void (cervical embrasure)
slight to moderate recession
describe type 3 interdental papilla
flat papilla-complete loss of papilla
extensive recession
if a frena/frenum is too tight on the lip or tongue what will it cause?
what is the shape of the interdental papilla for wide spaced teeth?
flat, saddle shaped (still healthy)
what is the shape of the interdental papilla for crowded teeth?
tapered or narrow
what is the shape of the interdental papilla in the anterior teeth?
pointed, pyramidal
what is the shape of the interdental papilla for posterior teeth?
when would you see flat saddle shaped interdental papilla?
wide spaced teeth
when would you see tapered and narrow interdental papilla
crowded teeth
what is the depression between the lingual and facial papillae
the col conforms to the ____ ____ ____
proximal contact area
is the center of the col keratinized or nonkeratinized?
where does perio start the most?
the col
since the col is _______ it makes it _____ ____ to disease
more susceptible
Card Set
Wilkins Ch. 12 The Gingiva Part 2
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