1649- allow toleration for Potestants and Catholics in Maryland
Act of Toleration
1662- loosened Puritan chruch requirements after drop in attendance
Halfway Covenant
1763- Parliament resticted colonial settlement to east of Appalachians after clashes with Indians when colonists moved west
Proclamation of 1763
1765- direct tax by Parliament which required stamps to be purchased for printed material
Stamp Act
1767- revenue-producing taxes to pay for occupation of British troops in colonies; taxed lead, paint, glass, paper, tea
Townshend Acts
1774- 4 acts to punish Boston for damage of Tea Party; refered to as the "Coercive Acts" by British
Intolerable Acts
1774- established Catholicism as official religon of Quebec, expanded Quebec's territory
Quebec Act
1785- passed by Article of Confederation Congress, established a method for surveying and selling western land, divided land into 6 mi2 "township"
Land Ordinance
1787- passed by Articles of Confederation Congress,method for new territories joining union
Northwest Ordinance
1798 series of acts By Federalists, imposed restrictions on aleins, attempt to limit Democratic-Republican party
Alien and Sedition Acts
1807- Forbade US trade with foreign nations, signed by Jefferson to keep neutrallity during Napoleonic Wars
Embargo Act
1809- Repealed embargo act with trade to all except France and Britain
Non-Intercourse Act
1820- AKA compromise of 1820, admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, set southern boarder of Missouri as line between free and slave
Missouri Compromise
1828- AKA Tariff of Abominations, led to Nulification Crisis, John C. Calhoun resigned, SC Exposition and Protest written
Tariff of 1828
1830- Jackson's removal of the 5 Civilized Tribes from the South, Trail of Tears
Indian Removal Act
1850- compromise for slave lands acquired after the Mexican War, CA admitted as free state, slave trade ended in D, stricter free slave law
Compromise of 1850
1854-provided Kansas and Nebraska admission as slave or free, repealed Missouri Compromise
Kansas-Nebraska Act
1862- distributed western lands to US citizens, gave land to people with a promise that it would improve
Homestead Act
1868- prohibited President from removing officials appointed by Congress
Tenure of Office Act
1878- limited the Treasury's purchase of silver to between $2-$4 million
Bland-Allison Act
1882- prohibited immigration from China
Chinese Exclusion Act
1883- provided for the objective appoointment of civil service positions on the basis of merit
Pendleton Act
1887- created the Interstate Commerce Commission and forced all railway charges to be fair and reasonable
Interstate Commerce Act
1890- authorized federal government to dissolve a trust, used to restrict the power of labor unions
Sherman Antitrust Act
1890- replaced Bland-Allison act, required treasurt to purchase 4.5 million ounces of silver per month
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
1900- established government for Puerto Rico, declared that citizenship wasn't granted to people of newly acquired territories
Foraker Act
1906- forbade the manufacrture, sale, or transportation of mislabeled foods or drugs, response to The Jungle
Pure Food and Drug Act
1906- aimed to eliminate dangerous and unsanitary conditions of meatpacking, response to The Jungle
Meat Inspection Act
1914- strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act, more specific to what was a trust, removed restrictions on labor unions
Clayton Antitrust Act
1917- provided severe penalties to people guilty of spying or refusing to serve in the military
Espionage Act
1919- provided enforcement for the 18th amendment (prohibition)
Volstead Act
1924- provided payment of adjusted compensation for WWII vets, Bonus Army
Adjusted Compensation Act
1930- increased tariff rates on imported goods, Hoover thought it would help with the Great Depression, most blaim it worsened the depression
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
1932- Hoover's attempt to help Great depression by giving billions of $ of loans to bank, it was criticized for not helping poor
Reconstruction Finance Act
1932- AKA Anti-Injunction Act, stopped federal courts from issuing injunctions to halt labor disputes, outlawed yellow-dog contract
Norris-LaGuardia Act
1933- created National Recovery Administration and Public Works Administrations, later ruled unconsitutional
National Industrial Recovery Act
1933- created the Federal Emergency Relief Administration to help states with grants
Federal Emergency Relief Act
1933- established Agricultural Adjustment Administration, paid farmers to farm less
Agricultural Adjustment Act
1933- Created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, guaranteed individual bank deposits
Glass-Steagall Act
1935- AKA National Labor Relations Act, created National Labor Relations Board
Wagner Act
1947- combined all military departments into defense
National Defense Act
1965- eliminated literacy and other tests as voting requirements
Voting Rights Act
1985- required Congress to balance budget
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act
1970- mandated that employers provide hazard-free work conditions
Occupational Safety and Health Act
1973- set 60 day limit of having troops abroaad without congressional approval
War Powers Act