ABSITE ch 4 immunology.txt

  1. Origin of T cells during development
  2. Cytokines released by CD4/helper T cells
    IL-4, IL-2
  3. Subset of CD4s that release proinflammatory cytokines
    Th1 helper T cells
  4. Subset of CD4s that release anti-inflammatory cytokines
    Th2 helper T cells
  5. T cells that regulate CD4 and CD8 cells
    Suppressor T cells (CD8)
  6. T cells that recognize and attack nonself antigens
    Cytotoxic T cells (CD8)
  7. Infection classes associated with defects in cell-mediated immunity
    Viruses, TB
  8. Origin of B cells during development
    Bone marrow
  9. Cytokine that stimulates B cells to become plasma cells
  10. MHC class present on all nucleated cells, that activates CD8 cells
    MHC class I
  11. MHC class present on B cells, dendrites, monocytes and APCs, that activates CD4 cells
    MHC class II
  12. MHC class that binds virus proteins
    MHC class I
  13. MHC class that binds bacterial proteins
    MHC class II
  14. Common APC in skin
  15. Cells that do not require previous exposure or antigen presentation to kill
    NK cells
  16. Initial Ab made after exposure to antigen. Largest antibody
  17. Most abundant antibody in body; can cross placenta
  18. Ab found in secretions, Peyers patches and breast milk; prevents microbial adherence
  19. Ab that is a membrane bound receptor on B cells that serves as an antigen receptor
  20. Ab that mediates allergic reactions and parasite infections
  21. Antibodies that are opsonins (2)
    IgM, IgG
  22. Antibodies that fix complement (2)
    IgM, IgG
  23. Region of antibody important for antigen recognition
    Variable region
  24. Region of antibody important for recognition by PMNs and macrophages
    Constant region
  25. Antibodies that have multiple binding sites to the antigen at multiple epitopes
    Polyclonal antibodies
  26. Antibodies that have only one binding site to one epitope
    Monoclonal antibodies
  27. Immediate hypersensitivity reaction; IgE mediated with release of histamine from mast and basophils
    Type I hypersensitivity
  28. IgG or IgM reaction with cell-bound antigen
    Type II hypersensitivity
  29. Examples of Type I hypersensitivity (3)
    Bee stings, peanut allergy, hay fever
  30. Examples of Type II hypersensitivity (4)
    ABO incompatibility, Graves, myasthenia gravis, ITP
  31. Immune complex deposition
    Type III hypersensitivity
  32. Examples of type III hypersensitivity (3)
    Serum sickness, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE
  33. Delayed-type hypersensitivity with antigen stimulation of previously sensitized T cells
    Type IV hypersensitivity
  34. Examples of Type IV hypersensitivity (2)
    TB test, contact dermatitis
  35. Major source of histamine in blood
  36. Major source of histamine in tissue
    Mast cells
  37. Primary lymphoid organs (3)
    Liver, bone, thymus
  38. Secondary lymphoid organs (2)
    Spleen, lymph nodes
  39. Cytokine that converts lymphocytes to lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells
  40. Cytokine that converts lymphocytes into tumor-infiltrating cells
  41. Tetanus prone wounds (6)
    >6h old, contaminated, crush, burn, frostbite, missile injuries
  42. people who need tetanus toxoid
    everyone (unless >3 doses given and <5 years since last dose)
  43. people who need tetanus globulin
    those with tetanus prone wounds whose immunization status is unknown (or have not had immunization)
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ABSITE ch 4 immunology.txt
ABSITE ch 4 immunology