Nursing Arts

  1. Stethoscope
    Image Upload 2
    Heart, lung, bowel sounds, blood pressure
  2. Sphygmomanometer
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    Blood pressure
  3. Base
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    Battery source
  4. Otoscope
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    Ear, tympanic membrane, cerumen, foreign objects, infection
  5. Ophthalmoscope
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    Eye, sclera, pupils, retina, blood vessels
  6. Tuning Fork
    Image Upload 12
    Hearing, nerve sensitivity
  7. Tongue depressor
    Image Upload 14
    Gums, teeth, tonsils, throat
  8. Precussion Hammer
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    • Reflexes, Babinski (bottom of foot), Patellar(under knee cap),
    • Bicep
  9. Glove
    Image Upload 18
    • Non sterile ( to protect the MA or medical personnel)
    • Bimanual ( will use two hands to perform the procedure).
  10. Nasal speculum (specula)
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    Inspect the lining of the nose, nasal membranes, internal septum
  11. Gloves
    Image Upload 22
    Non sterile, used fr bi manaual exam, palpate ovaries, uterus
  12. Vaginal speculum
    Image Upload 24
    Open vaginal canal
  13. Spatula and/or cytobrush
    Obtain pap smear, cytobrush for cervical and spatula for vaginal cells
  14. Slides
    Image Upload 26
    Cancer detection, label "e" or "c" for endocervical & label "v" for vaginal
  15. Fixative
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    Adheres cells, apply immediately, spray 6" from slide & let dry 10 mins.
  16. Culturette
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    Culture, sterile
  17. Sponge forceps
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    Hold sponges, absorb secretions
  18. Cotton tip appicators
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    Absorb minor sectetions
  19. 4x4 gauze
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    Absorb excess secretions
  20. Lubricant
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    Water soluble, not t be used before a pap smear, for bimanual exam
  21. Emesis basin
    Image Upload 40
    Vomitus, soiled instruments
  22. Gown
  23. Drape
Card Set
Nursing Arts
Tools used in both exams