Chap 12 Abbreviations.txt

  1. AB; Ab, ab
    antibody; abortion
  2. AI
    artificial insemination
  3. BSE
    breast self-examination
  4. CA
    Cancer; chronological age; cardiac arrest
  5. D&C
    Dilatation (dilation) and curettage
  6. DUB
    dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  7. FSH
    follicle-stimulating hormone
  8. G
    gravida (pregnant)
  9. GC
    gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
  10. GYN
  11. HRT
    Hormone replacement therapy
  12. HSG
  13. HSV
    Herpes simplex virus
  14. IUD
    intrauterine device
  15. LH
    luteinizing hormone
  16. LMP
    last menstrual period
  17. LSO
    left salpingo-oophorectomy
  18. OCP's
    oral contraceptive pills
  19. Pap
    Papanicolaou (test)
  20. PID
    pelvic inflammatory disease
  21. PMP
    previous menstrual period
  22. PMS
    premenstrual syndrome
  23. RSO
    right salpingo-oophorectomy
  24. STD
    sexually transmitted disease
  25. TAH
    total abdominal hysterectomy
  26. TRAM
    transverse rectus abdominis muscle
  27. TVH
    total vaginal hysterectomy
  28. VD
    venereal disease
  29. CPD
    cephalopelvic disproportion
  30. CS, C-section
    cesarean section
  31. CVS
    chorionic villus sampling
  32. CWP
    childbirth without pain
  33. FECG, FEKG
    fetal electrocardiogram
  34. FHR
    fetal heart rate
  35. FHT
    fetal heart tone
  36. FTND
    full-term normal delivery
  37. IUGR
    • intrauterine growth rate
    • intrauterine growth retardation
  38. IVF-ET
    in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer
  39. LBW
    low birth weight
  40. NB
  41. OB
  42. para 1, 2, 3 and so on
    unipara, bipara, tripara (numbers of viable births)
  43. UC
    uterine contractions
Card Set
Chap 12 Abbreviations.txt
Chap 12 Abbreviations