ABSITE ch 13 cytokines and inflammation.txt

  1. Factors released by platelets that lead to PMN and macrophage recruitment after injury
    TGFbeta, PDGF
  2. Cell type instrumental in wound healing that release TGFbeta and PDGF, IL-1 and TNFalpha
  3. Factors released by endothelium after injury
    Platelet-activating factor, tissue factor
  4. Growth factor that is chemotactic, activating for macrophages, PMNs and fibroblasts. Overproduction can cause fibrosis
    TGF beta
  5. Growth factor that is chemotactic for PMNs, macrophages and fibroblasts. Has been shown to accelerate wound healing
  6. Growth factors that are chemotactic for fibroblasts, though less potent than TGF beta (2)
    EGF, FGF
  7. Chemotactic factors for inflammatory cells (7)
    TGF beta, PDGF, IL-8, LTB-4, C5a and C3a, PAF
  8. Chemotactic factors for fibroblasts (4)
    TGF beta, PDGF, EGF, FGF
  9. Angiogenic factors (6)
    TGF beta, EGF, FGF, TGF alpha, IL-8, hypoxia
  10. Epithelialization factors (5)
    TGF beta, PDGF, EGF, FGF, TGF alpha
  11. Length of time PMNs last in tissues
  12. length of time platelets last in tissues
  13. primary cell type in Type I hypersensitivity reactions
  14. factor released by eosinophils, causing basophils and mast cells to release histamine
    major basic protein
  15. functions of histamine (3)
    vasodilation, tissue edema, postcapillary leakage
  16. functions of bradykinin (4)
    vasodilation, increased permeability, pain, contraction of pulmonary arterioles
  17. molecule that activates guanylate cyclase and increases cGMP, resulting in vascular smooth muscle dilation
  18. Hormone that causes vascular smooth muscle constriction
  19. Cytokine produced largely by macrophages, a procoagulant, and causes cachexia in cancer patients
    TNF alpha
  20. Cytokine that activates PMNs and macrophages, causes fever, hypothermia, tachycardia
    TNF alpha
  21. Cytokine produced largely by macrophages, responsible for fever, increases IL-6
  22. Cytokine that increases hepatic acute phase proteins
  23. Cytokines released by lymphocytes in response to viral infection; activate macrophages, NK cells and cytotoxic T cells to inhibit viral replication
  24. Cell adhesion molecules on leukocytes that bind ICAMs
    Beta-2 integrins
  25. Cytokines that mediate early loos adhesion, or cell "rolling" for PMN activation
  26. Complement pathway activated by antigen-antibody complexes
    Classic pathway
  27. Complement factors found only in the classic pathway (3)
    C1, C2, C4
  28. Complement pathway activated by endotoxin, bacteria
    Alternative pathway
  29. Complement factors found only in alternative pathway
    B, D, and P
  30. Complement factor common to both classic and alternative pathway, and is the convergence for the two
  31. Anaphylatoxins that increase vascular permeability and activate mast cells and basophils
    C3a, C4a, C5a
  32. Membrane attack complex components
  33. Complement factor that is important for opsonization
  34. Complement factor important for chemotaxis
    C3a, C5a
  35. Prostaglandins for vasodilation, bronchodilation, increased permeability, and platelet inhibition
    PGI2, PGE2
  36. Prostaglandin for vasodilation, bronchoconstriction, and increased permeability
  37. Drugs that inhibit cyclooxygenases reversibly
  38. Drug that inhibits cyclooxygenases irreversibly, and inhibit platelet adhesion by decreasing TXA2
  39. drugs that inhibit phospholipase, which convert phospholipids to arachadonic acid
  40. slow reacting substances of anaphylaxis that cause bronchoconstriction, vasoconstriction followed by increased permeability
    leukotrienes LTC4, LTD4, LTE4
  41. chemotactic leukotriene
  42. Peak catecholamine response after injury
    24-48 hours
  43. neural response to injury
    epi and norepi release
  44. origin of norepinephrine release after injury
    sympathetic postganglionic neurons
  45. origin of epinephrine release after injury
    adrenal medulla
  46. factors released as neuroendocrine response to injury
    CRF, ACTH, ADH, Growth hormone
  47. Role of CXC chemokines (3)
    Chemotaxis, angiogenesis, wound healing
  48. Oxidants generated in inflammation (5)
    Superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, hypochlorous acid, chloramines
  49. Primary mediator of reperfusion injury
  50. Defect in PMN NADPH-oxidase system resulting in decreased superoxide radical formation
    Chronic granulomatous disease
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ABSITE ch 13 cytokines and inflammation.txt
ABSITE ch 13 cytokines and inflammation