Dobson Greek 1-22

  1. "Greek Word"
  2. "ανθρωπος "
    "(m) man"
  3. "θεος"
    "(m) God"
  4. "και"
  5. "λογος"
  6. "ἐν"
    "in, on, among"
  7. "ὁ, ἡ, τό"
  8. "ἀρχή"
    "(f) beginning"
  9. "ούτος, αὓτη, τοῦτο"
  10. "φῶς, φῶτος"
    "light, of the light"
  11. "ἐρχου"
  12. "ήν"
    "he/ she/ it was"
  13. "προς"
    "towards, with"
  14. "ἀγάπη"
    "(f) love"
  15. "ἀγαθὀς"
  16. "γραψω"
    "(v) I write"
  17. "αληθης"
    "(adj) true, genuine, real, honest"
  18. "εστιν"
    "(v) is, to be"
  19. "Μαρκος"
  20. "ἐγώ"
  21. "κόσμος"
    "(m) world"
  22. "προφήτης"
    "(n) prophet"
  23. "αὐτος"
    "he, she, it/ same, itself"
  24. "λεγω"
    "(v) I speak, say, am speaking"
  25. "ἀναγινωσκω"
    "(v) I read"
  26. "Μαρία"
  27. "γενηθήτω"
    "let there be, let it come into being"
  28. "ἐγένετο"
    "there was, it came into being"
  29. "εἰρήνη"
  30. "χαρά"
  31. "χαίρε, Χαίρετε"
  32. "αποστολος"
  33. "καθαρός"
    "pure, blessed"
  34. "ἀκούετε, ἀκουε"
  35. "ἀναστητε, ἀναστη-"
    "stand up"
  36. "κάθητε, κάθου"
    "Sit down"
  37. "Πέτρος"
  38. "βασιλεία"
    "(f) kingdom"
  39. "ού, ούκ, ούχ"
    "no, or not"
  40. "οὐρανός"
    "heavens or sky"
  41. "ἀλλά"
  42. "αδελφος"
    "(n) brother"
  43. "ἐπὶ"
  44. "θρόνος"
    "(m) throne or seat"
  45. "γη"
    "(f) earth, land, region"
  46. "τέλος"
  47. "ἐποίησεν"
  48. "μακάριος"
    "blessed, happy"
  49. "ἔχω"
    "(v) I have"
  50. "πιστεω"
    "(v) I believe"
  51. "ἀποστέλλω"
    "(v) I send"
  52. "γινώσκω"
    "(v) I know"
  53. "φίλιππος"
  54. "ψευστης"
    "(n) liar"
  55. "εὑρισκω"
    "(v) I find"
  56. "καρδια"
    "(f.) heart"
  57. "μή"
  58. "ἀπὸ"
  59. "εἰμι"
    "I am"
  60. "ἡμέρα"
    "(f) day"
  61. "μετὰ"
  62. "ἐκκλησία"
    "(f) congregation, the church (people)"
  63. "ἀλήθεια"
    "(f) truth, reality, what is genuine"
  64. "ἔρχομαι"
    "(v) I come"
  65. "βασιλεύς"
    "(m) king"
  66. "φαίνω"
    "(v) I shine"
  67. "ἐπιστολή"
    "(f) letter"
  68. "διαλογισμος"
    "thought, opinion, reasoning, dispute, agreement"
  69. "εί"
    "you are"
  70. "κατέλαβεν"
    "it overcame"
  71. "φωτίζω"
    "(v) I give light"
  72. "ἵνα"
    "so that, that"
  73. "ἡμεῖς"
  74. "ὑμεῖς"
    "you all"
  75. "ἄγγελος"
    "(m) messenger"
  76. "ὂνομα"
    "(f) name"
  77. "κεφαλή"
    "(f) head"
  78. "γλῶσσα"
    "(f) tongue, language"
  79. "ἀπαγγέλλω"
    "(v) I declare"
  80. "μέλος"
    "(m) limb"
  81. "κοινωνία"
    "(f. use ἡ) communion, fellowship, sharing"
  82. "ἀγγελία"
    "(f) message"
  83. "ἦλθα"
    "(v aorist) come"
  84. "ὅς ἄν"
  85. "οὖς, ὠτός"
    "(n) ear"
  86. "ἒργον"
    "(n) work, deed"
  87. "γάρ"
    "for, because, then"
  88. "εὐαγγέλιον"
    "(n) good news, good message"
  89. "πονηρός"
    "(adj) evil"
  90. "τέκνον"
    "(n) child, descendent"
  91. "δαιμόνιον"
    "(n) the demon"
  92. "ποιέω (ποιῶ)"
    "(v) I do, I make"
  93. "βιβλίον"
    "(n) book"
  94. "τεκνίον"
    "(n) little child"
  95. "ζητέω"
    "(v) I seek, I look for"
  96. "καλέω"
    "(v) I call, I invite"
  97. "λαλέω"
    "(v) I talk, I speak"
  98. "πληρῶ"
    "(v) I fill"
  99. "περιπατέω"
    "(v) I walk about, I walk, I live"
  100. "ἀμέν"
    "(adj) truly, verily, amen"
  101. "περι"
    "(prep) about, concerning, around"
  102. "διδάσκαλος"
    "(m) teacher, rabbi"
  103. "μαθητής"
    "(m) learner, student, disciple"
  104. "όφθαλμός"
    "(m) eye"
  105. "χειρος"
    "(f) hand"
  106. "βλέπω"
    "(v) I look, I see, I regard"
  107. "ἀκολουθέω"
    "(v) I follow"
  108. "διδάσκω"
    "(v) I teach"
  109. "φανερόω"
    "(v) I reveal, I make clear"
  110. "διδαχή"
    "(f) teaching, doctrine"
  111. "τηρέω"
    "(v) I keep watch over, I keep, I guard, I pay attention to"
  112. "βαπτιζω"
    "(v) I baptize"
  113. "μαρτυρέω"
    "(v) I bear witness, I give evidence"
  114. "μαρτυρία"
    "(f) testimony, witness, evidence given"
  115. "μάρτυς"
    "(m) witness, one who gives evidence"
  116. "βαπτιστής"
    "(m) baptist, baptizer"
  117. "αλλήλους"
    "(n) each other"
  118. "δόξα"
    "(n) glory"
  119. "δέ"
    "but, and"
  120. "οὑδέ"
    "and not, nor"
  121. "οὖν"
    "so, therefore, then"
  122. "ὅτε"
  123. "ἐρωτάω"
    "(v) I ask"
  124. "ἐγγύς"
  125. "βοάω"
    "(v) I shout"
  126. "ἔξοδος"
    "(n) exodus"
  127. "ἔρημος"
    "(f) wilderness"
  128. "ὁ δέ"
    "(n) he"
  129. "οἱ δέ"
    "(n) they"
  130. "εἰς"
    "into, among, in, at, upon"
  131. "υἱός"
    "(m) son"
  132. "οἶκος, οἰκία"
    "(m, f) house, home, family"
  133. "οὐδεμία"
    "none, not one, not any"
  134. "ὡς"
  135. "συναγωγή"
    "(f) synagogue"
  136. "αἷμα"
    "(n) blood"
  137. "καθαρίζω"
    "(v) I cleanse"
  138. "ἐκ, ἐξ"
    "out from, from"
  139. "ἐλθών"
    "(v) having come, coming"
  140. "ἰερεύς"
    "(n) the priest"
  141. "ἱερόν"
    "(m) Temple"
  142. "ἐξουσία"
    "(f) authority or power"
  143. "πάλιν"
  144. "θέλω"
    "(v) I wish/ want/ am willing"
  145. "βάλλω"
    "(v) I throw, I put"
  146. "κηρύσσω"
    "(v) I preach, I proclaim"
  147. "Ἱεροσόλυμα"
  148. "ποῖος"
  149. "ἓνα"
  150. "πνεῦμα"
    "(f) spirit"
  151. "φωνή"
    "(f) voice, sound"
  152. "νῦν"
  153. "ἀνήρ"
    "(m) man/ husband"
  154. "μήτηρ"
    "(f) mother"
  155. "πατήρ"
    "(m) father, ancestor, forefather"
  156. "γυνή"
    "(f) woman/ wife"
  157. "ὅπου"
  158. "οἶδα"
    "(v) I know"
  159. "τόπος"
    "(m) place"
  160. "προσκυνέω"
    "(v) I worship/ kneel before/ protrate myself"
  161. "ὄρος"
  162. "θεωρῶ"
    "(v) I see"
  163. "σωτηρία"
    "(f) salvation"
  164. "δέω"
    "(v) I bind"
  165. "καλῶς"
  166. "θάνατος"
    "(m) death"
  167. "αἰώνιος"
  168. "καθώς"
    "as, according as, in the same way as"
  169. "νεκρός"
  170. "μείζων"
    "greater, more important"
  171. "πέμπω"
    "(v) I send"
  172. "κρίσις"
    "(f) judgement"
  173. "τιμάω"
    "(v) I honour"
  174. "μεταβαίνω"
    "(v) I cross over, I pass"
  175. "αἰών"
    "(m) age, eternity"
  176. "πίνω"
    "(v) I drink"
  177. "αἰτέω"
    "(v) I ask"
  178. "διέρχομαι"
    "(v) I pass through, keep coming"
  179. "ἀγοράζω"
    "(v) I buy"
  180. "πόθεν"
    "where from? how?"
  181. "διψάω"
    "(v) I am dry, I thirst, I yearn"
  182. "τροφή"
    "(f) food"
  183. "ἄλλομαι"
    "(v middle voice) I leap up"
  184. "ἀντλέω"
    "(v) I draw water"
  185. "ἄντλημα"
    "(n) bucket"
  186. "βαθύς"
    "(adj) deep"
  187. "ένθάδε"
    "(v) here, to here"
  188. "πηλή"
    "(?noun) spring (of water)"
  189. "συγχράομαι"
    "(v) I associate/ use in common with"
  190. "φρέαρ"
    "(m) well"
  191. "πόλις"
    "(f) town, city"
  192. "κατά"
    "according to"
  193. "νόμος"
    "(m) Torah"
  194. "ἀναβαίνω"
    "(v) I go up, I come up"
  195. "καταβαίνω"
    "(v) I go down, I come down"
  196. "ἴδιος"
    "own (one's own, his own, her own)"
  197. "πρό"
    "(prep) before"
  198. "ἀνεῳγότα"
  199. "δόλος"
    "(m) deceit"
  200. "Ἰσραηλίτης"
    "(f) descendant of Israel, Israelite"
  201. "σθκῆ"
    "(f) fig tree"
  202. "κύριος"
    "(m) Lord, master, owner"
  203. "δίδωμι"
    "(v) I give"
  204. "ἐκεῖνος"
    "that, that man, he"
  205. "ὥρα"
    "(f) hour"
  206. "ζωή"
    "(f.) life"
  207. "πᾶς"
    "every, all"
  208. "Παῦλος"
    "(m) Paul"
  209. "ὃτι"
    "that, since, because (quote)"
  210. "ἁμαρτία"
    "(f) sin"
  211. "Ιησους"
  212. "Ἰωάννης"
    "(n) John"
  213. "παρά"
    "gen: from
  214. "ἐμός, ἐμή, ἐμόν"
    "my, mine, "
  215. "εἰ, ἐὰν"
  216. "πίστις"
    "(n) faith, belief trust"
  217. "ἤ"
    "or, either, than"
  218. "ὅς, ἥ, ὅ"
    "who, whom, that which"
  219. "ἀκούω"
    "(v) I hear, listen"
  220. "ἀγαπάω"
    "(v) I love"
  221. "αιρω"
    "take away"
  222. "μένω"
    "(v) I abide, rest, stay"
  223. "κάθημαι"
    "(v) I sit (down), live"
  224. "ἀδελγφή"
    "(f) sister"
  225. "σκοτια"
    "(f. use ἡ) night"
  226. "ἀρχω"
    "(v) I begin"
  227. "ἐθελω"
    "willing, I am willing"
  228. "λαμβάνω"
    "(v) I take, I receive, I take away"
  229. "σοί, ὑμιν"
    "to you (sing, plural)"
  230. "τίς, τί"
    "(m/f, n) who, what"
  231. "τον"
    "the (see o-stems chart)"
  232. "του"
    "of the (see o-stems chart)"
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Dobson Greek 1-22
Vocabulary from the first 22 units of Dr. John Dobson's "Learn New Testament Greek" 3rd Edition with Accents.