Argentina wine

  1. Subregions of Northwest Region
    Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja, Calchaqui Valley
  2. Subregion of Catamarca
    Western Valley, Eastern Valley
  3. Departments of Salta
  4. Departments of Eastern Valley
    Tinogasta, Belen, Giambala, Capayan
  5. Departments of La Rioja
    Chilecito, Anguinan, Famatina, Nonogasta
  6. Departments of Calchqui Valley
    La Poma, Cachi, San Carlos, Molinos
  7. Subregions of Cuyo
    Upper Mendoza, Eastern Mendoza, Uco Valley, San Juan, South Mendoza
  8. Departments of Upper Mendoza
    Lujan de Cuyo, Maipu, Las Heras, Guaymallen
  9. Deparments of Eastern Mendoza
    San Martín and Rivadavia, Junín, Santa Rosa and La Paz
  10. Departments of Uco Valley
    San Carlos, Tunuyán, Tupungato
  11. Departments of San Juan
    Tulum VaIley, Jachal VaIley, Calingasta, Iglesia, Zonda Valley, Ullum VaIley, Perdenal VaIley
  12. Departments of South Mendoza
    General Alvear and San Rafael
  13. Subregions of Patagonia
    Rio Negro, Neuquen, La Pampa
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Argentina wine
Argentina wine regions